New Life

"Hey, wake up," a gentle voice coaxed him from his slumber.

Blinking his eyes open, Chen Yu's vision gradually cleared, revealing the figure of a woman. She cradled him in her arms, and Asher felt an instinctive urge to snuggle closer.

"Who is she? And where am I?" Chen Yu's mind raced as confusion set in. He tried to move his hands, only to discover that they were small and delicate – like a baby's hands. The realization hit him hard: he had somehow turned into a baby.

"Baby, you must remember, your name is Asher, Asher Blazeburn," the words flowed gently from her lips as she carefully tucked a small token into his clothing. Leaning in close, she whispered into his tiny ear, her voice a tender secret meant only for him.

Tears welled up in the woman's eyes as she looked down at him. "My baby, you must forgive me," she said through her sobs. "I couldn't protect you anymore."

Gently, she wiped her tears away with a white handkerchief and whispered, "Remember, strength determines our fate. If only your father and I had been stronger…" Her voice trailed off, choked by emotion.

A sense of urgency pierced the moment as a voice from outside urged, "Madam, they're getting closer. We need to get the young master out of here."

With determination, the woman retrieved a yellowed piece of paper from her pocket. It was covered in ancient symbols – a rune with mysterious powers. "Hold on, my dear," she said as she carefully laid Asher on the bed. She activated the rune, and a brilliant light enveloped him, swallowing him whole until he was gone.

Tears streamed down the woman's face as she stared at the empty space. "I hope you find peace," she whispered softly, her voice heavy with sadness.


A towering mountain proudly reached up to touch the clouds, its summit appearing to pierce the heavens themselves.

Along a weathered stone road that seemed to have seen better days, a carriage made its way, slowly traversing the rugged terrain.

Within the confines of the carriage, a woman draped in a flowing white robe sat, her face drained of color. Her once-beautiful amber eyes seemed distant as if her thoughts had wandered far away.

Beside her, a handsome man gazed at her with a pained expression, his heart heavy with concern.

"Rowena..." he began, his voice tinged with emotion, "It's been fifty years, and you still can't forget about that incident?" He spoke with a hint of sadness.

Upon hearing his words, she turned her head towards him, her gaze meeting his. A single tear welled up in her eye, glistening like a crystal teardrop.

"How could I ever forget, big brother?" Her voice quivered as her emotions surfaced. "I lost everything that day – my child, my husband..." Her voice caught in her throat, a lump of sorrow making it difficult to continue.

"But you had a life ahead...., you..." his voice trailed off as he spoke, his words fading to a whisper when he saw his sister close her eyes.

A heavy sigh escaped him, tinged with a deep sense of sorrow. The little sister who had once been so full of life now appeared as a mere shadow of herself, a soul drained of its vitality.

"I hope she can find a reason to live a normal life," he murmured, his gaze shifting to the canvas of the starry sky above.

The sky above seemed to hold a spectrum of emotions, its vast expanse a canvas for hidden feelings. Beneath its cover, his sister carried a burden of sadness.

He wondered at the sky's enigmatic ways. "Heavens, why must you be so irrational?"

Out of nowhere, a golden light enveloped his vision, momentarily blinding him. Before he could make sense of it, a loud, jarring noise pierced the air, startling both of them.

Stepping outside to investigate, they were met with the sight of a massive crater ahead.

He exchanged a glance with his sister, a silent understanding passing between them as they both nodded in agreement.

Swiftly, he called forth his martial spirit – a blazing red sword that shimmered with fiery energy.

With cautious steps, he approached the edge of the crater and peered down into it. The sight that met his eyes left him utterly stunned.

"This..." His eyes widened in sheer astonishment.

Observing her brother's stunned expression, anxiety crept over Rowena. She approached him, her curiosity piqued and followed his gaze.

As her eyes fell upon what lay ahead, they lit up with a mixture of excitement and surprise.

Within the confines of the crater lay a baby, cocooned in a cocoon of luxurious silk with only its head exposed. The infant's small eyes were tightly shut, its cheeks rounded and serene.

A surge of motherly affection swelled in Rowena's heart at the sight of the baby, her emotions overflowing with tenderness and care.

"Rowena..." His sentence hung unfinished in the air as he witnessed his sister's immediate reaction.

Without hesitation, she leaped straight into the crater, her arms outstretched to embrace the baby nestled within.

He had initially intended to halt her, but upon glimpsing the reemergence of a smile that had long been absent from his sister's face, his words caught in his throat.

"Could this be a gift from the gods?" he whispered to himself. As he continued to watch, a slow, tender smile spread across his own face.

"Brother, look how handsome he is," she exclaimed, her voice laced with joy. Planting a gentle kiss on the baby's cheek, her smile radiated happiness.

The presence of the baby ignited a fervent maternal instinct within her, coursing through her veins like a fiery determination.

Her attention was drawn to a token tucked in the baby's clothing. "Asher..." she whispered, recognition dawning upon her.

Her gaze shifted back to the baby, and a tender smile blossomed on her lips.

"Your name shall be Asher, Asher Lancaster," she murmured softly into the baby's tiny ears.

In response, a small smile tugged at the corners of the baby's mouth as if expressing his affinity for the new name.

Her laughter bubbled forth as she witnessed the baby's response. With this shared moment, both brother and sister embarked on a new journey, oblivious to the significant changes unfolding across the continent.


Massive portals began to manifest across various kingdoms, unveiling a trove of treasures and boundless opportunities.

The arrival of these portals heralded the emergence of creatures previously unknown in human history.

The appearance of these beings triggered conflicts, causing several kingdoms to be engulfed in warfare.

The laws of heaven underwent a transformation, and a mysterious whisper echoed throughout every corner, proclaiming,

"Welcome the new generation Chaos Sword Master."