
Enraged by how long it was taking me to kill Martin, lunged myself at him and threw concurrent punches to his face till he lost his balance and stumbled to the ground, not daring to give him time to recover I continuously kicked him in the stomach and the head causing him to wail in pain. At this point, we were both covered in blood and panting like dogs, despite our bodies being sweaty and injured neither one of us was going to give up till one was lying cold and lifeless at the feet of the other and no matter the cost, I was not going to be it.

“Fuck!” I growled when he used his free arm to pull my leg making me lose balance and fall to the hard floor with an impact so intense it felt like I broke a rib or two. Groaning and clenching my sides Martin used it to his advantage and got on me rendering merciless punches to my face. Satisfied with the job, he struggled but eventually got up and stared down at me.