Stayed In The Car.

Bella walked into the station and when they noticed her, they all instantly stood up.

"Where is my husband?" She asked. 

Their leader moved to where she was," Nice to finally meet you.....a..."

Bella cut him off, "Don't make me repeat myself " she muttered. 

He closed his mouth and led her away, "This way please " he muttered. 

Bella followed him, the run she made out of the car had made her already nervous heart beat even faster. Quietly she followed him until she suddenly stopped, the cry and sound of Richard yelling for help was loud enough for her to hear. 

"He inside that room, "said the officer, she moved to the door, "but I suggest you wait for him to finish " 

Bella turned to him, "Thank you " opened the door and walked in. 

The officer sighed and walked back. 

Richard had stopped groaning when she got in, only the sound of Enzo's fist down on him was heard.