
Frank saw Enzo walk in and beside him was Bella. And as always she looked angelic. They were holding hands, Enzo noticed Frank and led her to where he was. 

His hand bandaged now, he waved at them. 

Bella moved forward holding it gently, "What happened "she looked worried. 

"Nothing to worry about, there is someone else you need to worry about, "he said. 

Enzo could see his friend's worry and sighed. 

"Tell me what happened & I will handle the rest," he said. 

"You need to first promise me that you won't do anything rash," he said. 

"Why? " Enzo breathed thinking. 

"Cause it concerns Max and Lily, "he said. The moment the words left his mouth Enzo pushed him aside and walked into the room. Bella followed and found herself gasping. 

Their eyes landed on Max lying on the bed with Lily next to her. 

Bella felt her tears fall, without knowing they wherever flowing.