"Their little faces where so pale and small just like his " she muttered.
Enzo got closer to her .
"Love ?"
Her gentle yet sad eyes shifted to him , " the twins ,when I heard them their faces where so small like this" she cried.
Enzo smiled hugging her . That was another memory she had got back and beautiful one at that.
They sat down together and rocked the little newborn back to sleep.
Frank had moved to his wife side ,gazing at the two .
" She keeps getting her memories back is that good?" he asked.
Max frowned "I think but am still scared about what her mind is recovering . The memories of her having the twins is beautiful but bad for her too "
Her mother whispered.
"Is it that the time she was away with that serial killer guy ?"
They others nodded.
"And their relationship is stable now...so if she finds out she cheated on him with another man who was a killer cause of her then it's b"