Beside Her.

Enzo woke up the next morning to find the space next to him empty. Frank had left already. 

Someone was knocking on the door, he sighed getting out of bed . To open the door he saw his father. 

"Morning son " said his father. 

"Morning ,Dad" 

" I heard from your mother that you postponed your trip back home " he said. 

"I didn't it was my wife" he said walking back in. His father followed him . 

"Did something happen between you two ?"asked his father. 

Enzo moved to the bathroom . 

"She wants her memories back and I might be against that " he said. 

"Why I thought if she got them back its better for your marriage." 

"I don't know what to do anymore Dad , yes I want her to regain them but then am scared the hatred she had for me will return " he let out. 

"Hatred ? Why would she hate you . Bella loved you more than anything " said his father. 

Enzo walked out of the bathroom .