Royal frowns at you and walks closer. "Who knew I would end up seeing you again here. I was just going to wait a few more years before I got you back, but this is even better. You here to drink, or to fight?"

You inform him you are here for the latter. This is met with a chuckle.

"You ain't got no chance in here. I'm fighting tonight, and I am definitely winning. I already cleared out R. Sanchez's green room yesterday, and my winning streak definitely isn't stopping here. So sorry child, but you are outclassed. I really can't wait to kick your ass."

You give your most charming smile as you say this in a sultry voice. Royal's expression turns into one of shock, and his lip involuntarily goes up in a smile, but he quickly lowers it back into his favorite frown.

"Sh-Shut up! Maybe I have, but you sure haven't! I don't know why they would let a cow like you in here, but I'll make sure you never, ever come back. Fucking lord…"

He turns and walks away. You notice that an overweight woman he passes cranes her head over and stares at his shapely rear in his tight ripped jeans. He notices too, because he turns around and shoots her a death glare. She quickly looks away.

You hadn't expected him to be quite receptive at first, but he ended up getting a lot more flushed and angry than you had expected. Did your flirting hit close to home?


You decide to ask a person in a rain hat about how the fights here go down. She informs you that there is no ring because the crowd makes a circle for the fighters with their bodies, and they are encouraged to push you back into the middle if you wander onto the edge. The fights end by KO, submission, or pin, and just about anything is allowed. The owner of the place only comes after all the matches end to collect the final winners and is apparently a balding black man who doesn't wear any shirt.

She also informs you the fights here may involve weapons from time to time. You end up asking her where the fighters are supposed to go, and she tells you that they just shout out that they are going to fight and walk right in. The club's fighters will already be in the circle. The fights start when the clock hits ten, and you go and rest in some dirty chair until then.

It takes only seven minutes before someone shouts out it's time, and everyone gathers up at the end of the room. It takes another minute for the circle to be arranged, and then you see an older Hispanic man in…what looks to be a black buttoned turtleneck? And leather shoes with striped gray knee socks. Seems he is the first matchup. You don't see Royal anywhere, so you shout you're fighting, and the crowd parts for you.

When you end up standing across from him, he raises his fists at you. "I know what you are thinking—this grandpa is way too old to be here, and you are going to break his back, aren't you?"

Before you can even open your mouth, he continues, "Well, I'm gonna prove you wrong! And I don't have grandkids, so don't call me grandpa, you disrespectful sunuva bitch! I'm old man Jenkins!"

Well, you are up against a crazy person. What is your response?

You make a joke you heard a while back about old people and yellow raisins, but he just shakes his head at you.

"You messed that one up, whippersnapper. The punch line was shell fish, not selfish."

You, along with the crowd, realize that he is right as it would have been funnier that way. Dang, his joke knowledge has killed your buzz.

Soon enough, someone you don't see shouts, "Hello, everybody! Today we have everyone's favorite old man, old man Jenkins, versus newcomer Candleshaper. And Candleshaper apparently just started out fighting last night in some rundown old club. Lucky for them, our owner happened to be there and saw something in them, so they were invited here to the PG.

"Will old man Jenkins embarrass another newcomer, or will young blood here retire him? We're about to find out! But first, ladies and germs, you should all know this is going to be a weapons match! Both contestants are required to get a weapon from the crowd now!"

Glancing around you, you see several weapons held out toward you. Old man Jenkins grabs a viola, so you hurry up and decide which you want.