You grab the wooden baseball bat from some man in a beanie and give it a practice swing. You can work with this!

You waltz right up with your bat in hand. He looks surprised at your casual stroll, but he takes advantage of it to smash his viola over your head. You let him do that and ignore the pain. This leaves him wide open!

You smack him upside the head with your bat, and then when he falls over, you KO him with a boot to the face.

The crowd cheers for you, and that voice speaks again. "Ain't no one stopping this tank! Alright, someone drag Jenkins out for the next round! You move out too, Candleshaper."

Next up, Royal walks into the ring, as does a big, overweight Scottish man with blue eyes and a sideways cap. His potbelly is very noticeable despite his gray hoodie being loose. As you wonder why Royal did not need to shout to get in, you hear someone mumble about how Park is about to get his third win in a row. Park is quite taller than Royal and generally bigger, but you are smart enough to know that's not a guarantee of anything.

"Alright, everyone, right now we have another newcomer in here. Royal here managed to take out every person over in R. Sanchez's club on his first try! It was quite the upset victory, since that club isn't known for having bitches. Anyway, Royal is looking to continue that winning streak here, but he is up against Park, who has been showing a lot of gusto with three straight wins this week.

"Whose win streak will snap here? We are about to find out! Fight on!"

Park runs straight at Royal, who runs back at him and hits him with a high kick that snaps his head back when they get close. Royal follows up with another kick to his stomach, but Park ignores it and shoves Royal down.

Park then tries to hit Royal with a knee drop, but Royal rolls away too fast. He then hops up and uses a side kick on Park's head that sends him tumbling down with a "Timber!" Park gets up quickly as Royal tries to sweep his legs out from under him, but Park doesn't budge. He stands up and socks Royal in the nose, making Royal take a step back.

But Royal does not fall. Instead, he gets angrier and backs up until he is at the edge of the circle. Park holds his forehead for a moment, then scowls at Royal. He charges forward, but Royal leaps to the side at the last second. Park ends up accidentally tackling some of the people on the edge of the crowd, who push him back so hard he falls on his back.

Royal jumps on this opportunity and rushes over before wrapping his legs around Park's head. Royal then begins to apply pressure, making Park feel what looks like excruciating pain from his facial expression. Royal doesn't let up even as Park tries to pull his legs off him. But it doesn't work. Park then tries crawling but still finds no luck. Eventually, as his face goes redder, he finally taps out.

Royal breaks the lock, and he gets up with a smile and looks across the cheering crowd. The announcer starts talking again, but you barely hear it as Royal's eyes lock on you. He backs up to the edge of the circle and gives you a come hither motion. It seems Royal wishes to fight you!