On Flaretopia II in the year 2 MIY:
Anooin, being 2 MIY old, did what any other Flaretopian would do.
"Work. The same thing every- single- day." "How are the fields doing? Perfect as usual. How are the houses? average. And the statue? terrible condition as per usual. That thing has at least 900 C in it. At least."
The term "C" is the Flaretopian currency, the Flaretopian Coin. worth about $80.32 (per coin) USD.
Anooin, after doing his daily check of absolutely everything on Flaretopia II, hears his father call him to the palace to give him some- frightening- news.
"You're going to a different planet." said his father, King Postler Flares IV.
"I'm- What?" questioned Anooin.
"You are going to another planet to help them out with some- things."
"I can't leave here. This is my home. Where would I be going?"
"You would be going to the planet of Uri, the closest planet to our two suns."
Which is about the distance of the Sun to Earth, only a little farther.
"That place has been frozen for over twenty millennia! Its impossible to even set foot on it without instantly dying! I'm not fit for that!"
"And that is why I will be making you a suit to protect you from those harsh environments, until you get used to them, of course." stated his father.
"Can I atleast get a little while to think about it?"
"You're going either way."
"Okay, well, can I maybe get told why I'm going?"
"It's a surprise."
"And wait, get used to them? How long am I going to be there?"
"A while." "A little while."
"How long is a while?"
"Until you're old enough to be king of Flaretopia. That's how long."
"That's another, what, eight THYR?"
"Yes! you're getting it. you will undergo training for five thousand of those years, and another three preparing for it. then at the end of those eight THYR you will earn your permit to become prince. After that you will go to the exact other side of the system for another twelve THYR and you will receive your licence to become King of Flaretopia. And yes, you can get that revoked through impeachment. So, good luck! Your transport vessel to transport you from here to Flarapia, and then to Uri leaves in about, 17 hours."
"Okay, I guess."