Chapter 4: Engagement


Days had passed since my attempted suicide. Thankfully, my stupid actions didn't have major consequences for my health, other than staying at the hospital for a few days. I really owed the one who saved me my life.

"Finish him, Tuli!" Orlin yelled as Artemia, he, and I watched an angelic dome match in our family personal movie theater.

My cousin Tuli unleashed a triple burst of dark energy at her opponent, the Grand Duke of Raiyama, striking his wings and sending him crashing to the ground. The two were competing in the Grand Angelic Dome tournament. After a year of smaller tournaments spanning each regional government from every country, a champion would finally be crowned. The winner wouldn't only get a nice sum of money, but also be considered the strongest youth in all of Zionia.

We would've gone to support her, but my screw up had put a wrench in those plans. Tickets for the event were sold out on day one, which happened to be the day after I threw myself into the Kaguya River.

Big brother rose to his feet. "Yes! Tuli won!"

Artemia chuckled. "You're acting as if you were the one who won."

He grinned. "Well, it would've made me look worse if she lost. Tuli did beat me in the semi-finals after all."

"Hmph, the one who should've won that trophy should have been you, Orlin," Father said as he stood by the doorway.

Orlin cast his eyes on the purple-carpeted floor. "I tried."

He scoffed. "Trying is meaningless if you fail to obtain victory. Do better next time."

I watched as he turned around. Why didn't he say a thing to me? I had tried too. Although, I lost in the first round. Perhaps his expectations for me were really nonexistent...

"Oh, right. Rosemary," Dad said, stopping.

"Yes, Sir?" I asked, standing straight.

"I found someone who would marry you."

"Huh?" Orlin said. "Who? I want to go meet him to make sure he's a nice guy for Rose!"

"It doesn't matter. No one else would take her. Despite being a princess, she's worthless," Father said, walking away.

I turned away.

"Hey, don't cry, sis! Dad's just being a jerk!"

"Yeah, don't listen to that guy," Artemia said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I shook my head. "He's right. I'm weak." My eyes darted to the screen. "I wish I were like you or Tuli. At least you two made it to the semi-finals. I didn't even last long in the opening match."

"That's because you weren't born to fight. That's all. Not everyone is a fighter."

I frowned. "Maybe, but I'm the Princess of Kuroriku. We're a clan of warriors. To be fragile is shameful. Dad's right to want to get rid of me."

"He's not! Stop talking like that! You're worth more than he says!"

I gripped my dress. "You wouldn't get it, Ore. You were born strong and healthy."

"That may be, but my words are still true. Putting yourself down won't help make you stronger."

"Your brother's right, Rose," Artemia said.

I walked away.

"Rose!" Ore yelled.

"Leave me alone, Ore."

He ran over to me and spread out his arms. "I won't let you! Last time I left you alone, you tried to take your life!"

I averted my gaze. Father had chastised me for it, but more so for failing to do even that right. Sometimes, I wondered why I was even born. Big brother was the only one who seemed to care for me. Mom did too, before she died in the accident. Everyone else in Father's court looked down or outright acted like I didn't exist.

I sighed. "Thanks, Ore. But I won't do that again. I'm going to prepare for my wedding."

He continued to block me. "Wait, you're just going to accept it?"

I looked at the floor. "Why not? I have no future here."

Brother lowered his arms. "Sis..."

"Seems she's made up her mind," Artemia said, sighing. "Once she has, she can become as bullheaded as you and your father."

My brother grumbled. "True. Hey!"

I smiled and continued on my way.

"Shouldn't we find out who it is first?" Orlin asked, a playful smile on his lips as he followed after me.

I stopped. "You think that would change the outcome?"

"Not really. Dad's not easily persuaded. But we can figure out what kind of person he is. If he's a bad fellow, I'll save you!"

I smiled slightly. "You're such a child, Ore."

He huffed. "Am not!"

I giggled. "Yeah, sure."

Big brother grumbled. "Let's just go!"

Artemia laughed nervously. "Think I'll skip this little adventure of yours. I don't want a repeat of last time."

"That's okay! If we don't return, call Tuli for help!" Ore said.

"Hey! That's not exactly reassuring," I said as he pulled me away.

He grinned. "I'm just kidding, silly!"

Artemia sighed and facepalmed as we left her behind.

"That wasn't not funny! Even your girlfriend thinks so."

He frowned. "I thought it was."

I shook my head. "Your sense of humor clearly needs work."

Brother chuckled.

I blinked. "What?"

"I was just thinking that it's been a while since we've had a goofy argument like this."

Had it been that long?


Ore lead me to Father's throne room. It was at the end of a long staircase. By the time we reached it, I was out of breath.

"Once I'm king, I should put elevators on the new palace," he said, looking around the place.

"Huh? You're still going on about that?" I asked.

He grinned and swung his hands over his head. "Of course! My reign will be the start of a new era!"

I smiled. "You clearly got Father's ambition."

Brother scoffed. "Yeah, but unlike him. I am doing it for you too."

Why did he have to say that? I know he meant well, but he didn't have to remind me that what Father did wasn't for me. I never really mattered to that man.

Brother grabbed my left arm and wrapped it around his shoulders. He peeked into the throne room.

"Are you sure you wish to marry her?" Father asked someone with their back to us. "She is a frail woman. Who knows how long she has to live? As a youth with a rising star, I'm sure you can do better."

I tugged on Orlin's shirt. "Let's go," I mumbled.

He shook his head. "We still haven't figured out who he is."

"Better than a princess? You sure have a low opinion of your child." My groom's voice sounded familiar. But where had I heard it before?

"Oh. At least he's young. Thought it was an old toady," Brother whispered.

"So, your pursuit is for the title of prince. I admire your ambition, but you won't get much out of it from marrying a spare. In fact, you'll get nothing. After your marriage, I want you to take her far away from here."

I gripped Orlin as he inched forward. Brother gritted his teeth. His fists were shaking.

"I planned to do so from the beginning. Now if you excuse me, I have to go."

"Hmph, what a rude son-in-law I got. You are dismissed."

He laughed drily. "If anyone is rude, it's you."

Father scoffed. "Hold your tongue. Or have you forgotten our positions."

He shook his head. "I have not, but the one who appears to have forgotten his role is you."

"Huh? What does he mean by that?" Orlin asked.

What did he mean? What role did Father forget? Wait, could my groom have meant the role of father?

Father crossed his hands together. "If not for your talents, I would kill you here and now. But you're still of some use to me, so I'll spare your miserable life." He sighed. "What I would've given for you to have traded places with that girl."

I lowered my head. So, he was opposite of me.

My groom continued to walk toward us. His face was obscured by shadows cast by the hood he wore, but I could make out deep purple eyes.

The day I tried to take my life on the bridge, I saw a pair of eyes on a hooded figure just like his. That man had pulled me out of the cold waters of Kaguya River. After Orlin came, he handed me over and left without a word. Brother had mistaken him for a kidnapper at first until it hit him the man had actually rescued me.

Orlin and I ran to different sides of the double doors as my groom opened them.

My husband-to-be stopped and turned to look at me. His face was handsome, but his eyes were lacking in warmth. Even his facial expression was cold.

So, I was being married off to this cold-eyed knight...