Chapter 17: Something More


"Saffron!" I yelled. My smile faded as I stared into gray eyes.

The man before me laughed. "I'm not Saffron, Rose."

I gasped as I recognized who he was. It took me a while as he wasn't in his tribal regalia like most of the other times I'd met him.

"Kine? What brings you here."

He held a gift wrapped box toward me "I heard from Gael that Saffron was getting married. So I thought I would pay his household a visit since I couldn't make it into the wedding. If your cousin hadn't told me the Captain married you, I would be very shocked."

I smiled as I took the gift. "Thanks. Would you like to come in and have some tea?"

He nodded. "Sure! It gives us some time to catch up."

I led him inside.

"Make yourself at home," I said as I walked into the kitchen to fetch some tea I'd recently made. Along with scrambled eggs, it was one of few things I knew how to make. In fact, unlike with the eggs, I was actually pretty good at it. At least Ore said so. But he was my big brother, so I wasn't sure if I could take his word or not.

"So how are you liking the married life?" Kine asked, smiling as he took a seat on one of the sofas.

I lowered my head as I returned to the living room with my kettle and two cups. "I haven't experienced much of it. Given Saffron left shortly after our wedding."

He sighed. "That guy really is dedicated to his job. Don't take this the wrong way, but I am surprised that he married. He always seemed married to his job."

I laughed as I set the kettle and cups on the wooden table. "Gael said something similar. That said. In the short time I've spent with him, I can tell that Saffron's a good man."

Kine snickered. "By the way, how's Artemia doing?"

"You haven't seen your sister?"

He sighed. "Not recently. I've been rather busy myself. As has Kisara."

Kisara? There's a name I hadn't heard in a long time. Although, it wasn't like I had a good relationship with her. She could be rather forceful. Although, I did wish I could've been a little more like her.

"I actually sent your husband to help her."

"At Taisho base camp?" I asked as I poured him some tea.

He nodded and picked up his cup. "If he was stationed at mine, he probably would've come to see you by now."

I smiled slightly. 'True.' I sighed. 'How is he doing? Is he eating well? His mom did say he wasn't very good at caring for himself in his younger years.'

"If you don't mind me asking, what kind of mission has my husband been sent to do?" I asked.

Kine smirked. "Well, you are his wife, and the princess, so I guess I can fill you in. He's assisting Taisho province with their desert raider issue."

Desert raider issue? I recalled Artermia complaining about Taisho province having issues with raiders before. But, I didn't think it had gotten so bad that the military had to deal with it. How was Saffron supposed to help, though? He was a marine knight.

"Are they attacking ships?" I asked.

He nodded. "Both ships and land based merchants. It's starting to take a noticeable toll on the economy of the border towns."

"Border towns?"

"The raiders in question are of Taahid origin. They flee back into their country, where our police and military forces have no authority. And Taahid hasn't been keen on providing it, no matter how many times we've asked."

I could not blame them for being skeptical. Father had taken some of their lands in the previous war. Taahid used to control most of the area around Lake Taisho except for Taisho City. In fact, it used to be called 'Lake Taahid' not too long ago.

"Then how will Saffron be of any help?" I asked, putting my hands on my lap.

Kine smirked and took a sip of his tea. "I heard from my older sister that they've found a workaround."

"And that is?"

"They went incognito. Your husband's idea, actually."

My eyes widened. Saffron did always seem like the crafty sort. "As tourists?"

Kine nodded. "That's right. Taahid authorities have no idea Kuroriku marines are there. At least for the moment."

"I see. But, won't Taahid officials find out eventually."

"Probably, but Kuroriku will have caught the raiders by then."

I took a deep breath. "It will still cause a diplomatic issue, though."

Kine took a deep breath. "Taahid officials already don't get along with Kuroriku's. Not since your father won the war. There isn't much damage to be done."

I sighed. I didn't want there to be a sequel to said war. Especially since Kuroriku's military was already having enough trouble dealing with both sides of the Kasai no Ki Civil War. While that nation might have been divided for over fifty-years, both parties still managed to be united against us.

"Don't worry. If anything does occur, I doubt Taahid would try another invasion. Their economy is still in the gutter from the previous conflict."

I nodded. Taahid economy suffered greatly. Kuroriku's on the other hand prospered. Maybe a little too much. It caused some nobles to push for more wars. Wars that only benefited them.

"Well, enough war talk," I said, picking up my cup of tea. "How have you been doing? Still seeing the Grand Duchess Kaze?"

His eyes drooped down as he stared at his half full cup of tea. "Sadly, no."

I frowned. Great. I'd hoped to change to a happier subject. "I'm sorry."

Kine shook his head. "Don't be. We just didn't work out like I thought we would."

I smiled slightly.

"I did hear that she's been seeing somebody, though."


He crossed his arms. "I'm not sure, but I've been looking into it. She's been awfully secretive about it."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You are not over her, are you?"

Kine grumbled and waved his hand. "You got it wrong, Rose. I'm just worried about her."

I smiled. Kine always was a caring type. "Well, if you say so."

He sighed. "I'm afraid she might've gotten involved with someone she shouldn't."

"Would you like me to help?" I asked.

Kine grinned. "I'd appreciate it, Rose. But, I doubt you'd be able to uncover anything that I couldn't."

I laughed. "That's because you're approaching it from the wrong angle. I'm not best friends with Kaze, but I am close."

He smirked. "If you want to give it a try, sure. Just be careful. Like I said, I think the guy she's gotten involved with isn't to be trusted."

I hummed. "That's not jealousy talking, is it?"

Kine shook his head. "It really isn't. Rose, when it comes to Kaze's safety, I'd give my life to ensure hers."

I sighed. "Sounds a little excessive, Kine. But I understand."

He blushed. "Rose, it's not like that!"

I snickered. Kine always was cute when he was flustered. He reminded me of my big brother! Ore's faces were more comical, though.

"Anyways, care to tell me a little more about this guy Kaze is seeing?" I said.

He sighed. "He has red hair."

I blinked. "Red hair?" My eyes widened. "Wait, you think he's a bad guy because he's a Kasai no Ki, don't you?"

Kine groaned. "I didn't say that, Rose. For one, I don't think he's just a run of the mill Kasai no Ki."

"You think he might be a noble?"

He nodded. "Given how Kaze has become secretive, I can only assume so."

I rubbed my chin. That did sound like it could be problematic. Kaze would definitely have trouble getting others to approve of it. A non-noble would have been seen as bad enough. A Kasai no Ki noble dating a high ranking Kuroriku noble had a lot of political implications.

"Well, I'll look into it," I said, standing up. "For now, would you like something to eat?"

Kine smiled slightly. "Rose, I can't intrude for too-"

I shook my head. "I don't mind. You're the first visitor to my new house."

He snickered. "Alright. I would love something to eat."

I smiled back. "In return, could you do me a favor?"

The Major blinked. "What kind?"

"Could you teach me how to use mana better? I want to be of some use to my in-laws. I tilled the land the other day, but ran out of energy before I knew it."

Kine snickered. "Alright. If it helps give you some peace of mind while Saffron is away, sure."

I bowed. "Thanks!"


Major Kine stretched his arms. "Well, that was filling."

I smiled. I'd managed to recreate the omelet I'd made for Saffron yesterday morning.

"Well, shall we get started?" Kine asked, grinning as he headed for the door.

"Outside?" I asked, following after him.

He nodded. "Better there than in the living room. Don't want to wreck the house."


Kine smiled as he gazed at the hilly expanse. "Now, where to train you..."

I pointed to a flat piece of land in the distance. "How about there?"

He smirked. "Alright. First, do you know how to sense mana?"

I nodded as we walked to the location. Mother taught Ore and I when we were kids. Although, Ore mastered it far quicker than I did.

Kine crossed his arms. "Good. Sense mine."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. The outline of his body glowed dark silver. It was faint, but it was there. "I can see it."

He grinned. "Great. Now try sensing yours."

I tried doing the same. However, nothing happened.

Kine snickered. "Rose, sense inside of you, not outwards."


He nodded. "Yeah. Mana resides all around us, but it's denser within us. You should be able to feel it in your stomach."

I took a deep breath and focused. It took a while, but I could see a faint purplish-blue glow. The color reminded me of some of the flowers on my namesake plant.

"Good, Rose," Kine said as he ran ahead. "Now, direct it into your palms!"

I moved the mana to my palms. After a while, I opened my eyes. My hands glowed mauve. Darkness mana. For some reason, a person's mana ceased to be their unique color once outside of the body. Instead, taking on the color associated with the element being used.

Kine smiled. "Perfect. Now, try condensing it into a ball."

I moved it together until a orb formed.

Major Kine gasped. "Rose, what's with your mana?!"

I tilted my head. "Is something wrong?"

"Rose, mana shouldn't take on a shape unless properly condensed."

I released the ball into the air where it exploded into a purple wave of energy. Small, yet beautiful.

"But Ore always did it like I just did," I said, walking up to him.

Kine furrowed his brow. "Rose, Ore probably condensed his beforehand. But I didn't sense that just now with yours. If you'd used more mana, it might've blown up on you."

I sighed. So I'd been doing it wrong all of this time.

Major Kine smiled slightly. "Well, let's forget about that. Show me what other celestial moves you know."

I moved my palm forward. "Night Sting!" Purple waves in the shape of spikes shot from my hands, creating small holes where they landed.

Major Kine grinned. "Rose, that's another darkness attribute move. Try some earth ones."

I nodded and performed the earth attribute moves Mother had taught Ore and I. Ones such as Rock Shots and Sand Dunes.

Major Kine clapped. "Rose, your mana capacity is bigger than I thought."

I blinked as I wiped sand off of my forehead. "Did you think I would be tired after four moves?"

He scratched his head. "Well, I recall you could only use one when we were kids."

I laughed. Major Kine sure did remember a lot. "Well, Ore trained me a bit in the years since." I frowned. "Although, I'm nowhere near his level." Much less Tulia's.

Major Kine smirked. "Rose, Ore's a special case. Most people can't condense mana that fast."

I sighed. Mother could. And Ore learned rather quickly. He could always pick up things pretty quickly. Such as piano, or violin. The issue was more so maintaining his interest.

"Rose, want to show you one of my moves?" Major Kine asked.

I nodded. "Sure!"

Major Kine held his arms toward me. An orange orb formed. Waves of energy radiated from the sphere. They didn't create craters like my Night Stings had. Instead, they made the ground compact and smooth, resembling polished stone.

I gasped. That was amazing! "Major Kine, what was that move?"

He snickered. "Compaction."

I chuckled. "Isn't that a little unoriginal?"

Major Kine sighed. "I'm not very good with names. Kisara and Artermia are better at that."

I giggled. Major Kine sure was humble. Although, he was right. Kisara was good at naming the moves she created.

"That said, this move probably won't help you with what you want. Rather, the opposite."

I sighed. True. I wanted to make the soil soft and loamy for planting. Major Kine's move compacted it. Ore's Earth Needles helped soften it, but it took a lot of mana. Plus, that one wasn't helpful for tilling a farm.

"Rose, don't worry. You'll figure something out," Major Kine said, patting my head.

I smiled. He sure was optimistic. Reminded me of Ore. Although Ore tended to be more reckless. Major Kine was more cautious.

"I'll try my best!"

"That's the spirit! Now, how about we try that shadow sphere again? Maybe we can perfect it."

I nodded and condensed a purple orb. Major Kine put his hand on top of mine.

"Rose, try focusing a little more."

I focused until the orb took on a more spherical shape.

Major Kine grinned. "Rose, alright! Release!"

The sphere went higher than the one I'd made previously before exploding. Small bolts of purple electricity radiated from it before fading into thin air.

Major Kine patted my head. "Nice work, Rose!"

I smiled. The sphere wasn't perfect, but Major Kine's praise sure did make me happy. While I could never hope to be at my big brother's level, maybe I could grow to become something more than a weakling.