Chapter 27: Checking Up On the Team


I watched as Rohan and Jiro sparred against Uneri in the base's training room.

"Good work," I said, smiling. The two had made great progress. They were agile and precise, making them excellent for the mission. Albeit, a bit raw, but with some more training, they could be a force to be reckoned with.

"Thank you, Sir," they said, saluting me.

"Just call me Saffron. It's no big deal."

They smiled slightly.

I stepped forward. "Well, it's my turn."

Uneri nodded and stepped aside.

"Eh? We're not done?" Jiro asked, blinking.

"We'll be fighting real battles, not just sparring matches," I replied, rolling up my sleeves.

"Yes, Sir," she said, pointing her bow at me.

I took a deep breath. "Alright, let's do this!"

Rohan nodded and charged at me.

I removed my coat, using it as as shield and as a net to deprive him of his weapon. I knee-kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying.