Chapter 96: Ancient Writing

The kidnapper stabbed the ground with his tail.

I shot at him, but he dodged the bullets and charged forward.

Griff blocked him with his shields.

"He's too fast!" Milo yelled as he dodged the tail as it remerged from the ground.

The dragon man smirked as he slashed Griff's chest with his left claw. Griff grunted and slammed his right shield down, slicing off the man's left hand.

"You won't beat me that easily," the kidnapper said as the stump regrew. He blasted a fireball at Griff.

Milo sent the ball flying into the ceiling, sending rocks clashing down. Griff blocked them with his shield halves, but the man wasn't so lucky. A large rock landed on his back, causing him to collapse to his knees.

Koyuki lurched forward and stabbed the man on the chest with the bayonet on her musket, now laced with ice mana.