Chapter 104: First Meeting


A woman in a blue dress came over and handed us menus as soon as we sat down. She also wore wearing a green bandana and a red apron, like the other waitresses at this establishment. With her hair down and lacking glasses, she looked like a different person.

I smiled slightly and waved at her. "Hey."

"Eh? Lieutenant Uneri? Captain Saffron?" the waitress said, gasping.

"Jiro!" Uneri said, eyes wide. "You work here?"

Jiro sighed. "Well, being a private in the marines barely pays the bills. This seemed like an easy way to supplement my paycheck." She smiled at us both. "So, what will you two gentlemen be having today?"

I stared at the menu for a minute. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to eat. I guess I should go with one of the place's signature curries. I always liked it back home. Ma made it with a good blend of spice and sweetness.

Uneri tapped his chin. "Hmm... I'm thinking about the spicy curry."