Chapter 110: Duty Calls


After drinking our hot chocolate, and switching Bastian to more appropriate winter weather clothes, we headed outside to play in the snow.

"Here, little man," Gael said, handing Bastian a tiny handful of snow.

He smiled and pushed his hands together, forming a disk. "Hmm?"

I snickered. "You're supposed to roll it, baby. Just watch your mommy." I grabbed some snow of my own and gently rolled it into a ball. "Wanna try again?"

His green eyes glistened. He nodded enthusiastically and grabbed some snow of his own. My child rolled it up, but a little too quickly and unevenly, making his ball look like an egg.

Gael snickered as he squatted down beside our son. "Close, but that's an egg."

"Eg?" he asked, blinking.

He nodded. "Like the kind we adults ate in the morning, well before they were cooked."

My eyes showed a flash of realization. "Eg!" He slammed his snowball into the snow, shattering it. "Eg?"