Chapter 126: Playful Youth

*Salvias (Sil)*

I yawned and rose from my bed. That was a nice nappy. I smiled at Vroom-vroom Bear. Big bro had gifted him to me for my birthday. In the capital, he found a store that made bears, so he had one Vroomy made just for me!

"Had a nice nappy, Vroomy?"

My bear nodded his head.

I snickered. "Me too!" I yawned and got up.

I glanced outside the window. "Wonder how Kiki's test is going." She had a big exam today, so I wasn't gonna get to see her today.

"Come to think of it, I haven't introduced you to her, have I, Vroomy?" I asked, putting my bear friend on my head. I giggled. "I'll be sure to show you off next time I see her!"

As I made my way downstairs, I could hear the faint sound of voices coming from outside. Curiosity piqued, I quickened my pace and walked out to the front porch. Mommy, Rose, Kine and Alli were talking. It was probably about the debt.