Chapter 218: Seeing the Family


Flying over one of Kuroriku's great lakes, we eventually reached Kaguya, the kingdom's bustling metropolitan capital.

My heart thumped rapidly as I thought if I would get to meet my brother and dad. Although Rose had said Dad had grown colder. Plus, he thought I had died. I mean, I had died. Not once, but twice... How would he react if I told him I was the oldest son he never got to raise? Even if he was not as cold as Rose made him out to be, he would probably still call me a liar.

"You okay, Yuki? You've seemed unusual pensive again?" Koyu asked, glancing at me.

My cheeks warmed up as we descended at the boundary of the city. Flying within the city limits was forbidden to those without the authorization.

"I'm fine. Just a little nervous."

Koyu smiled. "Oh, that's it. It's okay." She squeezed my hand. "Don't worry, I am here for you!"