Chapter 228: Labyrinth of Nightmares


[Meanwhile- Elsewhere in Milo's Dreamscape]

In the midst of towering labyrinth walls, I stood alone. This place, it had to have been based on the Raider's secret base. 

The dream realm's ethereal glow cast long, dancing shadows around me, their movements making me uneasy. The whispers of the realm carried on the wind were nearly unintelligible, like distant echoes of conversations long forgotten.

"Rose, Koyuki..." I muttered, their names hanging in the air as I felt a wave of concern wash over me. Hopefully they were fine. I has to hurry up and find Yukito and regroup with them. 

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the labyrinth, pulling me from my thoughts. I tensed, my hand instinctively gripping my cannon tighter. The source of the growl emerged from the shadows, its form grotesque and terrifying as if someone has fused the most dangerous insects and bugs in the world to creat the monstrosity.