Chapter 231: Reunion in Dreams


I pulled Anis into my arms and sighed. "Little girl, listen to your mommy."

Anis nodded and turned into a ball before going back inside me.

I patted my tummy and smiled. "Good girl."

Koyuki gasped.

My eyes shifted back to the sky over the dreamscape version of Saffron and Milo's hometown. An orange ball of light had appeared out of seemingly nowhere and jutted toward the spot Anis had point to before. A faint silhouette appeared in the sky. It looked like Milo.

Kisa smiled. "Seems the boys found one of the shades." She glanced at Kine. "Think you could trace where the shade came from?"

"I can, if I have some help," Kine said.

Kisa sighed. "Alright." She placed a hand on Kine's shoulder, her expression determined. "We'll figure this out together. Let's go."

Kine nodded, focusing his and his sister's prana in front of him as he closed his eyes. The air around the siblings shimmered.