Chapter 258: Valkyrie of Sentience


The dreamscape attacked us from all directions. Koyuki and my brother, now in Second Heaven formed a wall of ice around my barrier as it threatened to crack against Demosnia's assault.

Trapped in mid-air by the force of Demosnia's nightmare, we were like birds caught in an invisible cage. The dreamscape seemed to pulsate with fury, the chaotic energy increasing in intensity as it attacked us from all sides.

Koyuki and my brother were doing their best, their abilities working in tandem to maintain the ice wall around my barrier. But the pressure was immense. Each strike from the nightmarish claws threatened to shatter our protection.

The entire dreamscape was becoming more erratic than before. As if Demosnia was furious. Had something happened in the core of Milo's nightmare? Hope blossomed within me. Saffron might've already saved Milo, that must've been why the Nightmarish One was furious.