Chapter 277: Social Split



As soon as Mom let go of Kiki, she ran off to her room, crying.

"Mom," I said, crossing my arms. "Don't you think you're being too harsh? Sure, Sil is poor, but he adores Kiki."

She took a deep breath. "He's partially at fault for her failure. He distracted her from her lessons. Also, having friends like him would take Kiki nowhere. He has nothing to offer her."

"Offer her? You make it sound as if they're getting married! They're only five!"

She shook her head. "Kaze, you're an adult now. You must know the marriages aren't the only relationships that matter in life. As nobles, we have to cultivate friendships with other high-class people. That's why I permitted you going out with that Kasai no Ki prince, Hideyoshi. If he were just a knight, I would've balked at it."