Chapter 281: Romantic Devotion


After getting Rose back to our room, I went back to training, going to the room across. There I had an assortment of workout equipment.

"You know, I think you have enough training for today," Koyuki said, walking in.

Milo chuckled. "You know telling Saf to rest is like asking water not to be wet."

"Hey," I grumbled, sitting on the bench.

"What? It's true," he said, smiling.

I rolled my eyes and continued lifting weights.

Koyuki sighed. "I think I'll go prepare lunch for you folks."

"Thanks, Koyu," Milo said.

I didn't say anything.

Koyuki nodded and left the room.

I lifted the barbell over my head and lowered it, exhaling as I did so.

"You've eaten anything?" Milo asked.

"Rose made us breakfast. It was delicious."

Milo hummed. "I see. Hey, while Koyuki is here, why don't we go lift boulders?"


"For strength. you've seen me do it before."