Chapter 298: Shadow of Rebellion

Uneri PoV

"Kisara! Be careful!" I shouted, trying to stand up. My body felt heavy. The thorn was draining my barrier's mana rapidly. But I couldn't afford to give up now, not when Kisara was in danger.

Kisara was already on her guard, her eyes narrowed as she eyed the shadow. "You're a djinn user?" she asked, her voice steady despite the revelation.

The boy laughed, the sound echoing eerily in the silent restaurant. "Surprised?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. "You Kuroriku really are arrogant. Thinking that some poor rebel kid like me can't use one."

Kisara didn't respond, her eyes never leaving the boy. I could see the tension in her posture, the way her hand was clenched into a fist. But despite her obvious readiness, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease settling in my stomach. This boy was dangerous, about as dangerous as Zephyros's right hand man.