Chapter 325: Two-In-One


Tasuku looked around nervously. Something told me Milo was in control...

"What's wrong now?" I asked, putting a hand on my hips and trying not to giggle.

"Uh, there's only Yuki, uh, my room that's free. So, uh, you can use it. I'll use the sofa," Tasuku asked, fidgeting.

His face was all red. Milo was really cute and innocent. Yuki probably wouldn't mind us sharing a room.

"Unless, you wanna sleep together."

Yuki must've taken over...

His voice had a different timbre now, and he was looking at me with a mix of hope and apprehension.

I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. "That... that could be nice," I stammered out, avoiding his gaze. 

There was a moment of silence before Yuki let out a soft chuckle. "Thank you, Koyu. I appreciate you being so understanding about all this."

I waved off his gratitude, feeling suddenly shy. "It's nothing, Yuki. We're... we're a family now, right?"