Chapter 330: Under the Same Sky

Saffron PoV

I took a deep breath and return to Rohan the cellphone. We were all seated at one of the restaurants in town. "Thanks for lending it to me."

He laughed. "No problem. Seems you and the misses grew closer while you were home."

My cheeks warmed up.

Uneri sighed. "Rohan, don't tease the Captain. Or me for that matter. Else we'll tease you back."

Jiro sighed. "Boys, please don't bicker."

Rohan's laughter faded into a chuckle as he waved off Uneri's threat with a dismissive hand. "All in good fun, my friends. But truly, Captain, it's good to see you in high spirits."

I nodded, appreciating Rohan's light-hearted attempt to ease the tension. "It was a much-needed respite. Being with Rosemary, even for a short while, has a way of... recharging me."

Jiro smiled softly, her eyes reflecting understanding. "Love has that power. It gives us strength, even in the darkest of times."