Chapter 354: He Ain't No Ox (18+)

Tulia PoV

I blushed as Reginald and I were alone in the room. Our bed was large enough for the two of us.

"Ready, Tulia?" Regi asked, a slight smirk on his face.

"Ready," I replied, my heart racing. I walked up to him and grabbing him by his tie. I pulled him down for a kiss.

Our lips met, and a shiver of desire ran through me. I had been waiting for this moment for months, and now it was finally here.

His arms wrapped around me, pulling me close as his tongue explored my mouth. My newly wedded husband's long fingers went to the zipper of my wedding gown and pulled it down, allowing the fabric to fall away, revealing my bare skin.

I shivered as his cool touch caressed my heated skin. My own hands began exploring his body, undoing the buttons of his vest and shirt.

His skin was so beautiful. Pale like marble, like a sculpture. His muscles were toned and firm like one too. I could not help but run my fingers over them.