Chapter 358: Preparations


I watched army soldiers moved around the marine newly rebuilt marine base. 

My interaction with Gillard flashed in my head. Maybe he was right to be worried. This show of force was large. Although, the idea was that it had to be large in order to dissuade other countries thinking of attacking Kuroriku at this time.

Our country's forces still had recruitment issues caused by overstretching. We couldn't afford a war at this moment. My only hope was that there wouldn't be an attack from the west. As that's where most of these extra forces came from. Although, if we did end up getting attacked from that side, hopefully the desert and the tough terrain there could delay a land attack long enough for us to react.

Being between all three of the other Four Great Powers was both a curse and a blessing. More so the former. Our history of war with Taahid made it so that even our weaker neighbors hated us.