Chapter 9 Ruthless

" Report" a black shadow suddenly appeared and kneeled down, Ladon signaled for him talk.

" Your majesty it's done."

" Good"

" By the way how did you know that those mongrels are going to be here tonight I even somehow pity them for not knowing that their ever move have been under surveillance." Luis asked glancing at Ladon.

"Luis "Ladon called, and Luis ears pecked up," Yes your majesty "

" Curiosity killed the cat "Luis choked on the liquor he just drunk." Y...y-you."

Ladon got up ignoring him" the knight is too short and tomorrow will be a long day,,,,Wilfred "

" Your humble servant is here your majesty"

" Let's return to the palace "

" Yes "


Ladon return to the palace at the fastest speed after passing a few blocks of palace halls he arrived at his own palace, the golden palace hall, however after entering he found a few candles flickering and a woman sleeping on the table.

It take long for Ladon to know that it's his wife and not someone having a death wish of throwing themselves at him.

Ladon gently and carefully lifted her up in his arms and placed her on the bed, his gaze scrutinizing every feature of his sleeping beloved wife, implementing in his mind her unparalleled beauty making him feel so much temptation to take her whole even in her sleep right away, but choose to endure the torment of having a beauty in his arms but no action.

Ladon sighed kissing her forehead and went to sleep after putting out the lights, Jessica was sleeping opened her eyes slightly then closed them since the time Ladon entered it could be said she was already awake.

Luis who was now left alone to take charge of the situation was obviously in a bad mood, the shadow guards though not visible in dark where trembling from pressure.

"Why are you so angry,what could make the little lord lose his temper??" A young man similar age to Luis came through the door wearing white robes with a fan in his palm, the young man had long hair and abeautiful face that if one didn't pay attention closely he could be mistaken for a woman,he had a sweet smile on his lips making him look amiable and approachable including his clear eyes captivating those who looks Into them,he was Griffin Landons military strategies advisor and twin brother to Griffith,but he was also Luis and Ladons friend nevertheless.

But one shouldn't be fooled by his gentleman like appearance, that gently like smile has either drained it's enemies blood or chewed their bones, one the battlefield his called the death angel or smiling devil,those who looked down on him,those wanting him dead or underestimated him are either six meters underground or shivering in their abode wishing for the devil just to die naturally.

" Great, my dear good brother, how about you takeover, and I your brother go visit my new playmate." The earlier pressure from Luis disappeared like it was never their replaced by his playful and mischievous face and smike.

" By new playmate,I don't suppose you are meaning a new courtesan,no"

" Nonsense how can I visit such a flith place !!!" Luis said dramatically denying with a red face like he had been caught cheating by his wife." How about this, after coming back I will give you a new treasure I just found and a jar of a one hundred years old wine, what do you say."

One of the things Griffin likes the most is collecting treasures and strong wine because he believes no wine can take him down,so Luis decided to use this for his advantage.

"Make it two jars."

"Twooo" Luis showed a pained expression like one of his ribs has been pulled out.

" Three jars or that new friend is gone."

" Three, just three." Luis agreed instantly if he dares to try his luck with this little lord he would be just draining his luck, after getting the approval the man disappeared in the flash.

" He disappeared so fast, I was thinking of telling him that his majesty told me to take over case but anyway I got some extra bonus right."

' RUTHLESS ' the shadow guards thought to themselves.

If Luis heard what Griffin said he sure could have vomited blood.

" Report!!" A guard came running through the door and kneeled down to present a report, Griffin gestured for him to speak.

" Lord,we have apprehended three ministers and two noble Lords who where in collusion with the former prime minister, the traitors have been sent to the black prison,also we got information of unidentified army fifty kilometers away from the capital city "

" How accurate is the Intel."

" Lord we are still sending scorts, the traitors are still refusing to talk and are threatening to commit suicide."

Griffin snorted" then let's pay another visit to our former friends before they visit hades."