Chapter 10 The Farmer Minister

Hey 👋 guys hope you are doing great and enjoying your time.

Just wanted to say thank you for dropping by and reading the book 📖, hope everyone can keep calm and carry on 🙏 🙏 🙏 as we proceed 💪 together for the long journey 💞

Just wanted to make some changes on the male leads empire such as it's name,so from now on the new name will be AZURA EMPIRE

Have a good day ❣️ ❣️ ❣️ 😊


The knight and moon had vanished with the the appearance of the rising morning sun, Ladon got up early in his study looking at at the previous grey screen which is now blue and not only that some number figures and words are now visible.

[ Points accumulated]

[Changed the course of history ∆ 50,000 points.]

[ Features unlocked]




[ Lottery Lucky draw x 5]

Ladon was pondering on what do with points from the system first of all his kingdom is the third largest Kingdom in population and size but poor in advanced technology and inventions, resources and country GDP so technically his kingdom can be ranked last among the surrounding kingdoms, this is due to previous kings only concerned about expanding an empire neglecting its development internally.

Ladon knew, while the empire is continuing its advancement other kingdoms even beyond the neighboring countries are developing new technologies and eyeing his kingdom like a huge pie on the plate, one of the reasons for surviving until now it's because the empire if full of natural defenses around boulder areas and within making it impossible to penetrate, the westside of the country there is a natural defense of water that is an ocean,to the south there is a natural forest and swampy areas, the east is full of mountains and the north there is a glacier of snow,so unless the enemies become more persistent like cockroaches or kingdoms unite to overthrow his kingdom they can only remain at bay.

But still the current situation doesn't allow him to relax because inside the nation the systems are weak and some ministers are corrupt to the cole only caring about their interest and neglecting the common people.

The spring festival finished and now is the planting phase of crops.

Ladon knew that the major crops in the empire at the moment are wheat and rice but he thought these are not enough and are not grown everywhere due to weather conditions,so he was also considering other high end crops which have not been introduced in the empire yet.

Hence he activated the screen and went on shop feature spending almost 10,000 points for samplings and location where they can be planted including books.

Everything has been transported by the system in the suburbs,as for the other features he decided to check them later, due to the sudden know he was anticipating.




" Your majesty minister Thaddeus Greenwood,asks for an audience."

" Let him in "

Ladon layed his eyes on the old man coming into the study, though the man was in his old age he was robust like a middle aged man, from the story Ladon knew that this man though a minister,he loved spending his spare time in the fields studying how to make hybrid crops like rice and new crops as well, and sometimes the man tends to the himself even going to the extent of pulling his family members but nevertheless Ladon admired the man for his character and principles.

The man gave Ladon a standard salute with his back bent slightly " Greetings your majesty, long live your majesty."

"Ahh my minister please rise." Ladon got up from his seat and helped the man up looking at him up close, the man appeared sophisticated and a little rough, it's no wonder that his friends tease him as a farmer even his family have long shifted from the countryside to the capital.

" Thank you your majesty"

" Right,I know that my minister is busy today, but I couldn't help but need the ministers help and I can only trust this task to the minister."

" Thank you Your majesty for your trust,I am honored to serve your majesty and the empire."

" Good,good minister this requires as go personally."

" Yes your majesty " though Thaddeus was doubtful he still followed his majestys wishes.

" Your majesty the the carriages you requested are ready." The chief eunuch said from outside the door.

" Minister follow me."