
Five centuries ago, Earth was thrown into upheaval by an unprecedented phenomenon—a cascade of mystical blue gates erupted in every major city around the world.

At first, people believed it to be a divine miracle, and some even started worshipping these mysterious portals. A whole new religion sprouted, dedicated solely to their veneration. But the illusion of a benevolent deity quickly shattered, and the world plunged into chaos as the gates unleashed a horde of ferocious monsters.

These creatures, the antithesis of divinity, laid waste to everything in their path. Humanity had been given a cruel lesson: these gates were harbingers of doom, not salvation.

Only the most powerful nations managed to stave off the destruction, while weaker countries either lay in ruins or fell under the sway of more potent conquerors, relinquishing their sovereignty.

Just when the dust began to settle and the world caught its breath, a new catastrophe unfolded—the "Red Gate." It manifested in Australia, a nation renowned for its formidable military might. They marshaled all their resources in a desperate bid for survival, but their efforts were in vain. One monstrous abomination emerged and wreaked havoc, a single entity capable of destroying it all.

Hopelessness engulfed the world. Bullets could not pierce the tough hide of these creatures; firearms had become futile. As humanity teetered on the precipice of extinction, a miraculous transformation occurred.

Earth itself underwent an astonishing evolution. Continents drew closer, sea levels receded, and new lands emerged. But the most astonishing development was the appearance of MANA, an otherworldly particle that drifted through Earth's atmosphere, bestowing upon humans abilities that had once been the stuff of legends.

Humanity grew stronger, and ancient martial arts sects, such as the enigmatic Illuminati, re-emerged, wielding knowledge of both magic and martial arts to help people survive this dark age.

Humans embraced their newfound potential and began to evolve. Using MANA, they acquired new skills, abandoning guns and explosives in favor of swords and spears imbued with the mystic power of MANA, making the monsters from the gates seem like mere playthings.

And then, a momentous event arrived—the appearance of the "First Awakener." This superhuman possessed unparalleled control over MANA, capable of decimating hundreds of monsters singlehandedly. It marked a turning point. Awakeners could now harness MANA to its fullest extent, thanks to various cultivation techniques. More awakened individuals emerged, each granted a celestial gift—the "Celestial System."

This system offered quests and rewards, including items that defied the laws of nature, elixirs, weapons, skills, and cultivation techniques. Among these quests was one that would reshape the world's destiny:

"Raid the Red Gate."

This mission held the promise of changing the course of humanity's plight. It was a challenge that galvanized the world, as heroes came together to face the infernal portal.

Their valor led them to victory, discovering within the gate unimaginable treasures, minerals, and advanced technology. The most coveted of all was the "Mana Crystal," a mineral condensed from MANA, an unparalleled energy source.

With the Mana Crystal in their possession, humanity ventured onto an uncharted path of development, not knowing that another gate—the "White Gate"—was poised to emerge. Contrary to expectations, it didn't spew forth monsters but ushered in intelligent species like elves and dwarfs, seeking an alliance with humankind.

Disappointed by humanity's perceived inadequacies, these benevolent beings shared their technology and magic theories while forewarning of the looming threat of demons.

Their caution proved well-founded, as demons eventually launched a relentless attack on Earth, sparking a protracted and perilous war. Humanity fought with unwavering determination and emerged triumphant, ushering in a somewhat peaceful era and reaching unprecedented heights of technological advancement.

Asher shut a thick tome titled 'The World History' in the library. It had been a week since his awakening, and he had immersed himself in learning about this new and unfamiliar world.

Unexpectedly, a notification chimed:


[A quest has been assigned]

[Register yourself as an awakened]

A shimmering holographic screen materialized before Asher, presenting his first quest from the enigmatic system.