1st quest

Asher strolled out of the orphanage's library and headed back to his room. Once inside, he summoned the system.


A blue screen materialized before him, and he promptly inquired about his first quest. The blue screen displayed the quest details.

**[Quest: Become a Registered Awakener]**

**Register yourself as an official Awakener by taking the awakening tests at the Awakening Association.

Difficulty: F-**

**Reward: Status window & C-rank Mana Gemstone**

"Hmmm, so I have to go to the Awakening Association," Asher mumbled. However, as he started rummaging through his drawer for money to fund his journey, he made a disheartening discovery – he was broke.

With a sigh, he muttered, "Now what should I do?"

Deciding to request some funds from the orphanage manager, he left his room and ascended to the second floor, where the manager's office was located. Knocking on the door, he asked for permission.

"May I come in?"

A warm, elderly voice from inside granted him entry. It was Miss Mary, an old nun with a motherly demeanor that exuded comfort and tranquility.

"So, what is it, Asher? Is there something you need?" she inquired.

"Ma'am, may I receive some allowance, please?" Asher requested.

Mary inquired about the amount, to which Asher replied, "Around 50 yeros (¥)" (1¥ = 1$).

She probed further, "And why do you need it?"

Explaining his need for travel expenses to visit the Awakening Association, Asher awaited her approval.

"May I know where you are going?" Mary inquired.

With a nod, Asher affirmed, "The Awakening Association."

Mary was taken aback. "Don't tell me... have you awakened?"

"I believe I have," Asher confirmed. He trusted Miss Mary with this revelation, as his memories revealed her to be a caring and trustworthy figure.

"Have you told anyone else?" Mary asked, her face marked with concern. She understood that the matter of an Awakened person was sensitive, as they were highly sought after. If word spread that Asher had awakened, opportunistic individuals might try to adopt him, not out of love but out of greed.

"No, Miss, you are the first person I've told about my awakening."

Mary heaved a sigh of relief, relieved that Asher had not shared this information with others. She cared for Asher deeply, having known him since infancy. Her maternal love for him was unwavering, and she was determined to protect him from unscrupulous individuals seeking to exploit him.

After thanking Miss Mary, Asher left the orphanage and made his way to the local metro station. Despite having his memories, he marveled at the advanced state of the world.

The towering skyscrapers fascinated Asher. He had witnessed remarkable vehicles on his journey to the station, and while the world lacked flying cars, the speed of land-based transportation had reached astonishing levels. Additionally, teleportation devices had drastically reduced the time it took to travel between countries.

Asher awaited his train's arrival, and it didn't keep him waiting long. The enormous metro train appeared at the station, appearing to hover without traditional wheels.

After a moment of astonishment, Asher approached the counter to purchase a ticket for the central circle, where the Awakening Association was located. As he boarded the train and settled into his seat, he couldn't help but make a joyful sound of appreciation for the soft, cloud-like comfort of the seat.

The train journey lasted about 15 minutes, eventually depositing Asher at the central metro station. Exiting the station, he was greeted by the bustling central city, the epicenter of global power and influence. Every major guild headquarters were situated here, along with the all-powerful industrial corporations that governed the world economy.

Asher hailed a taxi and arrived in front of a building that soared higher than the Burj Khalifa. Asher admired the breathtaking skyscraper's architecture before entering the Awakening Association.

Inside the building, he encountered a grand reception area, where he approached the counter to seek guidance.

"How can I assist you?" the receptionist inquired, a beautiful woman seated behind the desk.

"I'm here to register for the awakening test," Asher replied.

"Very well. Please fill out this application form," the receptionist instructed, providing him with the necessary paperwork.

Asher completed the form and handed it back to the receptionist, who then directed him to the waiting area.

"Now, please wait in the waiting room over there," she said, offering him a numbered token.

Inside the waiting room, Asher encountered twelve other individuals already seated on the couch. They briefly glanced at him before returning to their previous activities.

The door to the test room suddenly swung open, and a mother and her 15-year-old son exited. The mother vehemently protested, claiming her son was an Awakener because she had witnessed him using telekinesis. However, a man in a black suit, presumably a guild representative, informed her that her son had no mana in his body, rendering him incapable of awakening. After a brief confrontation, the mother left the room in embarrassment, her son's face flushed crimson.

Asher paid no further attention to them and opted to pass the time by perusing a magazine he found on the waiting room table, all while waiting for his turn.

Approximately two hours later, an announcement echoed throughout the room:

"Number 17, please enter the test room."

Asher rose from his seat and made his way to the test room, murmuring to himself, "Let's do this."

[To Be Continued...]