SSS Rank Talent III

"So you are saying I am the only person who has an affinity with Space Elements ". Asher asked.

" Yes you are", Harrison replied with a smile that reached his ears.

Seeing him smile like that makes Asher question himself about his decision to take the test. Not to mention he can fill the multiple hungry eyes looking at him as if he is some kind of limited-time exclusive dish.

"Sigh is my test over," Asher asked with a sigh.

"No, there is still a test left" Harrison replied.

"Which one?"

"Your talent ranking test" Harrison replied to Ashers' question.

I need to get out of here before those Hungry bastards come to bite me, he thought to himself and said, Thenen lead the way please ".

" of course with pleasure ", Harrison replied not losing his weird ass smile.

While going to the next testing room Asher asked Harrison who was leading their way, " So, if I am the only person with Space Affinity does that mean there is no research on this element before."

"Well we did some research on the Space elements but it was not on a big scale because we leaked the raw material to conduct more research on that subject. But that won't be a problem anymore with you here with us" Harrison said his smile becoming larger and larger.

Seeing Harrison's wired-ass smiling face Asher thought only one thing," Holy shit! I have to get out of here before this bastard uses me as an experiment material."

"Can you please do my test fast, I have a place I need to go?" Asher said with anxiety on his face.

"Of course, but first let me explain to you how our next test will be conducted" While saying that Harrison took Asher to a room and showed a crystal ball.

" You see that crystal ball here if you place your hand on top of it then it will measure your talent ranking. It will change into different colours which will indicate different ranks in talent. For example, if you have an A-ranking talent it will glow in bright yellow colour. The lowest talent ranking colour is blue which indicates ranking talent and the highest ranked talent colour is Pitch Black which indicates SSS rank talent. Even though we call SSS rank talent the highest ranked talent, the truth is when Someone's talent reaches SSS rank it means that person's talent is immeasurable".

"I see, Then can you please start the test fast," Asher asked with irritation. He doesn't give a fu*k out how this machine works. He just wants to leave this damn place.

"Of course, then please put your hand on top of the ball," Harrison said respectfully.

Even his respectful manner creeps the shit out of Asher. Without wasting any time he placed his hand on top of the crystal ball.

At first, nothing happens. Which made Asher wonder if the machine was broken or not. But soon the ball started to glow in bright white light and soon in the white light small black spot started to form. Soon those black spots start to become big and in the blink of an eye, completely cover the white light turning it into Pitch Black.

"As expected" Harrison mumbled to himself while looking at the Pitch Black Crystal Ball. Then he looked at Asher and congratulated Asher with a smile as genuine as possible.

"Congratulations, You have the highest, SSS rank talent"

"Ok, this mother*ker is a maniac " Seeing Harrison's weird ass smile the last string of rationality of Asher was now broken.

"Ok, please give me my awakened ID, I need to leave," Asher said while getting ready to get out of this place especially get away from this maniac. But before he could leave he suddenly felt an extreme pressure that made him knee on both knees. "Aah," a low moan came out of Asher's mouth.

"Not so fast boy, we have a lot to talk with you" a deep voice came out from the top of the room.

"Shit," hearing the voice a curse came out of Asher's mouth. The reason why he wanted to leave as soon as possible now came to him on their own.