Business Deal

..... (Alfred Melton's POV)

"Not so fast boy, we have a lot to talk about with you,"

I told the boy while putting some pressure on him. I thought he would be terrified by the pressure that suddenly fell upon him. But to my surprise, the boy looks at me with an eye that says he would have skin me alive if he were powerful enough. Looking into his eyes unknown to me my body took two steps backwards.

"Shit," I course myself in my thought. After composing myself from the shock I realised the pressure off of him.

"Let's not waste time here, let's go somewhere else to talk in more detail," I told him and started walking towards the chairman's room. When I looked back I saw him following up on me.

.... (Asher Gray's POV)

"If I had even half of my previous life powers I would have skinned his motherfu**r alive. How dear he uses pressure to quell me. " I was cursing the old geezer that was walking in front of me while following him.

"Just wait until I get my powers back I will fu*king shove that damn old body of yours 3 feet under the ground. " I thought while still following him.

"Don't look at me that way boy, you are making a hole in the back of my head." he suddenly turns back and starts talking to me.

"You know I just saved you from those hungry wolves out there in that room if I hadn't stepped in and taken you away, a fight among the best SS rank was about to begin. You should know how important your existence is. You are like a precious gem that is the only one in the whole world." After saying that much he came closer to me looked at me with a serious face and said,

"So I suggest you think carefully and get a baker for yourself because you don't have any background behind you to protect you. Let me tell you not everyone in this world will come to you with good intentions. "

"So which one should I choose, care to give me some advice". I asked him back. I knew very well that after the news of my, being the first Space Affinity awakener in the world got out in the world both people with good intentions and people with bad intentions would come looking for me. And I can tell the ratio of bad intentions will be bigger the good. And a person like me who doesn't have any backing can not survive that bad intentions. So I need a formidable backer, who will be powerful enough to not be taken lightly but also not make me their slave after I join them.

"Choose Aquarium, they will take good care of you and also not put pressure on you after joining them," that old geezer said while looking back and starting to walk.

The Aquarium was the third-ranked guild placed after Olympus and Reven guild. The Guild Master of the guild was The Saint of Healing and Salvation Samantha Williams. She was the holder of the Cancer stigma in the 12 Zodiac. The only SS rank healer in the world. Even if the old geezer didn't advise me to join the Aquarium guild I would have joined them.

"By the way, this is a true pleasure of mine to meet you, Sir Alfred Melton. The head of the richest family in the world and also the holder of the Leo stigma. " I said while bowing my head a little.

"Hmth, stop buttering me and say what you want," he said while looking back at me.

"Well, it just that don't think Sir Melton take the initiative to guild me only out of pure goodwill. Of course, I am not saying that there was no goodwill in what you did but I also do believe you are not doing this of goodwill either. I am right sir? " I said with the most genuine smile that I can muster. I know I will look good with a smile, unlike a certain someone that I recently met who looks like a maniac while he smiles. Please don't get me wrong I am not trying to boost the fact that I am a very good-looking individual. I certainly am not caught.

"Hmmm, so you are saying that I help you there because I want something from you? Then, please tell me what that something might be. "

"Well, I believe Sir Melton needs something that only I can give you. I know how much you are earning from those teleportation gates that your company invented. I don't know how you get the knowledge of teleportation when there are not many space elements research happened in the past due to the lack of space elements Mana gem. " I said with a smirk on my face.

"Do you think you are the only person who asked that question, " he asked me with a serious face. As if he is going to kill me if I don't answer the question properly.

But unfortunately, that question was the thing that I had been waiting for. After liking my lips with my tongue, I answered his question, "Well, of course not. I can tell how much suffering you had to go through after revealing the teleportation gates. But you see after that there isn't much progress happening in that field. I wonder if it's because of the lack of Mana gem or knowledge in the Space element."

"But unlike before when we had a lack of Mana gem and knowledge now we have an awakened person who has an affinity with this element. I wonder how much we both can earn if we shake hands and work together in his field. Of course, this is solely for humanity's progress and not because of the money that we will make out of it."

The reason that bastard voted for me to awaken my potential in Space elements while sacrificing the last Mana gem was not because he madly loves his granddaughter and wants to compare me with her. But because of greed and hunger for money that runs in his blood as a businessman. For a businessman, the thing that holds the best value is not hard work or great planning but luck which plays the most valuable role in making him a great businessman.

And Alfred Melton the richest man on earth was someone who had the best luck in the world. Be it being all too somehow communicating with the other race across the universe to gain the knowledge of teleportation while not making them hostile towards him or sacrificing the Last Mana Gem to awaken his Space affinity. All he did was just gamble and luck favor him.

"Hahahahahaha" That old geezer started to laugh out loud in the empty hallway. I know he had made soundless barriers around us the moment he started talking to me.

"You are quite smart for your age aren't you"? he asked with a weird smirk on his mouth.

"Well I guess I am if the richest man says it," I said with a smirk.

"So how should we start our business relationship," he said to me.

"Please lend me the knowledge you have in space elements so that I can do my research on it, and in exchange let's make a business contract with a ratio of 36:64. The profit we will make, of that 36 percent will be mine and the other 64 percent is yours. How about that? I asked.

"Look at this boy trying to rob me of daylight. All the raw materials are mine and what you want is 36 percent of the profit. That will leave me with nothing but an empty plate to beg. 15 percent is all I can give you after having a somewhat profit myself. " he said to me with a look as if I was robbing him.

"Would you look at the cunning old man trying to cheat a 16-year-old child? And what somewhat profit? Did your old ass brain forget what it means by somewhat ". Making hundreds of billions is not called somewhat profitable, it's called extremely profitable. EXTREMELY you got that you shameless old ass geezer" I shouted at his losing the somewhat respect I had for him in me. How dare you try to cheat me. Did you think I won't know how profitable this business is just because I am only 16 years old?

"You, you cultured boy, who dear you raise your voice in front of a senior in age. Did your parents not teach you manners. " he scolded will multiple veins popping up on his forehead.

"Got you bitch" I thought in my head. And said, "What manners, Does robbing a 16-year-old child look like manners to you? And also I don't have any parents to teach me manners. What about it?" When I said about my parents the veins in his forehead despair. Leaving a pale face that says he made a mistake.

"Hah, that's called emotional blackmail bitch" I thought in my head while maintaining a somewhat pitiful face.

"Sigh, look giving you 36 percent is impossible, There are other shareholders too in my company that I need to give some shares and not to mention the price of the raw material is not cheap. How about 20 percent of the profit money," he said while massaging his forehead.

"Ok, I agree" Hearing me agree with him made his face bright again but that brightness didn't last long.

"But with the 20 percent of the profit, I want a 2 percent share of your company ". I added.

"What? " he asked with an angry face.

"Look old man I have come as far as I could if you don't agree to this then our deal is off. I will be the one who does the man's work here, and I don't even have a helper to help me around. So if even after that you don't agree then I don't think we can have a deal." I said with a serious face.

"Sigh, very well I agree with the offer, " he said while thinking about it for a while.

"OK, that's what I am talking about ". I exclaimed in excitement. Now one of the most important problems is solved with this. Now I don't have to worry about money.

"Give me your address, and after a week my assistant will come and give you the mana contact, " he said with a defeated face.

"Sure, " I said while giving him a visiting card from my orphanage.

"Now let's go and meet with those hungry wolves"

...(some info)

For an awakener to awaken his affinity with any elements he needs to be baptized with that element's mana game. So that the body can accumulate the elements and start to absorb them from nature.

And that's why Asher needed to be baptized with the Space Mana Gem to awaken his Space Affinity.