Guild selection

In the association, Chairman's office 4 individuals were sitting side by side looking at a 16-year-old child. Who was sitting opposite direction and looking at them?

"Hello, Asher my name is Samantha Williams. I am the guild master of the third-biggest guild in the world Aquarium. People call me the Saint Of Healing and Salvation. Asher, I believe you have great potential to become one of the best superhumans in the world and we the Aquarium would like to walk alongside you on your journey to greatness. " Samantha breaking the silence directly invites Asher into her guild.

"Tch, stop talking nonsense Samantha You and everyone here know this very well among the 3 strongest guilds yours is the last in both headcount and resources." Stopping Samantha Richard Osborne looked at Asher and said in a serious tone, "Look Asher you are a great talent, probably the best in the world and to bloom your best talent you need us the best guide in the human realm. So join my guild the best guild in the world Olympus. And I the Lightning King Richard Osborne will take you as my disciple. How about that? "

"Asher, don't listen to him even though our guild is in second place we do not leak anything in any way. We will cherish you and help you as much as possible to bloom your talent. This is my promise as the guild master of Raven." Douglas said to Asher.

"Asher, I will not give you any false hope but let me tell you this if you join the Association I, Howard Lester will do everything in my power to support you. And that is all I will say to you. " Howard looked at Asher and told him his words with a calm face.

Now that all of them had said what they wanted it was time for the answer from the 16 years old boy.

.... (Samantha Williams POV)

After Douglas was done with his talk with Asher it was time for Asher to answer.

I looked at Richard who had a confident look on his face. Well, I guess that's how it was supposed to be. After all, he was the guild master of the number one guild.

While Richard has a confident look on his face, Douglas is shaking his legs left and right. It's something he does when he is nervous. Soon he looked back and both of our eyes met each other. And then I saw that bastard giving me a weird smile.

"Shit, If only I had more battle powers." even though I am a SS rank hunter in turn of fighting I have little to no power. This was one of the reasons why 'Aquarium' was leaking and was placed in 3rd position. No matter how I tried it was impossible to overpower them.

When I saw that child the first thought that came to mind was if that child were to join our guild then the future of our guild would be much different than the present. Maybe we can take the top spot among the guilds if we can raise him well. But I also knew it would be nearly impossible to recruit him over the first and second guilds.

While I was thinking about my powerlessness the boy's voice brought me to reality.

"I have made my decision, I will join the Aquarium"

Listening to the child's answer there was only one thing that came out of my mouth,

"What? "

..... (Asher Gray's POV)

"I have made my decision, I will join the Aquarium," I said to the four individuals in front of me.

Then I saw how instantly their face changed after my answer.

"What"? Miss Samantha questioned with a confused look on her face. Shouldn't she suppose to be happy about it?

"Weird " I mumbled to myself.

Then I look at the furious face of Richard Osborne. His self-pride must have hurt quite a bit at my answer.

Then I looked at Douglas Trevor who has a similar confused face to Miss Samantha.

On the other hand, Howard Lester had his previous calm face. As if he knew I wouldn't choose him in the first place.

Then I heard Richard Osborne's voice filled with rage, "Can you tell us why you chose Aquarium ".

"Yes, please tell us," both Miss Samantha and Mr. Douglass said together.

I mean I understand Douglas but why are you asking Miss Samantha? Aren't you supposed to tackle me from them?

"Sigh, whatever let's get done with it." I thought clearing my throat.

"Ahem, so here is the thing, I want to become the successor of the guild I will be in. But both Olympus and Raven already have a successor. Only the Aquarium doesn't have one. Unlike Olympus and Raven which are affiliated with both the Osborne and Trevor families, Aquarium does not belong to the Williams family. Rather it belongs solely to Miss Samantha. And I can be selected as a successor if I do well. So that's why I will join the Aquarium. " I gave them their answers.

"Tch", I saw Richard Osborne having a somewhat angry face.

"Shit", while Douglas was cursing in a low voice.

And Miss Samantha and a complicated face? What is the problem with this lady? Does she not want me in her guild or what? Not able to take it anymore, I just directly asked her,

"Miss Samantha, is there any problem? You don't look so good? "

When I asked her the question she immediately looked at me with shining eyes and said, "Not at all, I am very happy that you want to join my guild and I you do well I will personally recommend your name for the successor position. "

"I see, thank you for your generosity. Then shall we go"? I asked her.

"Where? " she said with a confused look. Seriously does she have a mantle issue or what?

"In Aquarium miss, so that we can talk in detail and sign a contract ". I told her.

"Oh! Of course, let go". She said while standing up from her seat to leave. But was stopped by Howard Lester, " Samantha his registration isn't complete yet, so please take a site and wait for a little while. His registration card should be ready in a couple of minutes "

"Oh! I completely forgot, hahaha", she said while languaging awkwardly.

"Sigh, seriously I think she has an issue in her head".

After a couple of minutes, a man in his thirties came and handed over a black card to Howard Lester. After checking it himself he looked at me raised a hand with the card toward me and said "Here you go".

I took the card from his hand. And as soon as I took the card I heard the system notification in my ear.


[Congratulations, You have completed your quest]

..... (some chit-chat )

So, first of all, I would like to thank 'Natsu_six' for giving this novel its first power stones. As a writer who is writing for the first time, it gives me great joy.

As you can see from my writing, English is not my native language. So if there is any grammatical errors or misspelling, please kindly ignore them.

All this time I have been researching the world-building in the novel. And I am finally done with it. The next chapter will be all about word-building and blah blah.

So stay tuned. Bye. 😁😁