Earth 2.0

After the appearance of Gate, the earth starts to evolve. The sea level starts to drop. As a result, a lot of new land emerges from the sea.

On the other side, some of the continents merged and created a new continent. As a result after the evolution of the earth, 7 continents turn into 3 large continents with a landmass 10 times larger than before.

Small countries couldn't handle the pressure of evolution and got destroyed or gave up their independence and came under stronger countries.

As a result, the number of countries decreases and live with only a few remaining. Among those countries, the ones with the strongest military power soon rebuilt the United Nations.

National Military power was not determined by how many tanks, booms, or nukes they had. It was now determined by how many powerful superhumans one country could produce.

Because such few superhuman individuals with the greatest power stat collect more and more power. Thus creating Elite Families. There are multiple Elite Families. As such war was bound to happen. To establish their heresy the families start to fight among themself creating great chaos.

Soon the world understands that these superhumans are both a blessing to society as well as a curse. Then the world leader comes together and creates an organization that will oversee all the superhumans. And they named it the Awakeners Association

But then another problem occurs. Where will the headquarters of the Awakener Association be? Another war was about to happen between the countries when the first 'White Gate' appeared.

New races like Elves, Dwarfs, Beastmen, and Orcs came from the gate to create an alliance. But soon they become disappointed seeing humans' powerlessness and their nature.

Humans are a race filled with jealousy, greed, and ego. Letting them in their demise. Seeing humans fight among themselves while the world was under the threat of demons they felt disappointed. Seeing humans fight among themselves not noticing the future threat that was about to befall them. Some races even were disgusted at them. And soon they deemed humans unworthy of their alliance. And they left again.

But before leaving they left some of the knowledge and technological advancement they have. And soon with that knowledge, humans started to develop themselves.

But soon the greatest crisis came to the world. A new white gate appears. But this time it wasn't races who wished for peace. But they came to dominate the world. The arrival of the demon race happened. Filling humanity into chaos again.

So a new war began between humanity and demons. It took everything that humanity had to win the war. Destroying most of the countries in the world. Even after winning humans couldn't eradicate the demons. As the demon make their followers among humanity. And took over the distant continent of Australia and created their stronghold.

As a result, humanity understands their fault and re-establishs society. Soon the three contents were divided into 8 national. American Republic, The Soviet Union, The United Kingdom, China, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Rome and Egypt.

The whole of South America and North America came together and created a single nation under one government. The Americans Republic.

Russia took over all the nearby countries and recreated The Soviet Union.

The United Kingdom took over half of the European countries and the other hand came together in the shade of light a new religion and created the Holy Kingdom, Rome.

Because of the dropping off of the sea level Japan gained new land. And re-establish themself under one emperor regime. Shoguns took over different lands and started their dictatorship in that land under the Emperor. They created their army with brave samurai as the commander.

While China took over most of Asia leaving only the Middle Eastern nations to Saudi Arabia.

White all of Africa came under the influence of Egypt and began to be ruled by New Pharaohs.

And with all 8 countries together they created the Octagram. The most powerful Organization that is responsible for the safety of humanity. Inside the Octagram 20 seat was placed. The 8 seats belong to the ruling government of 8 countries. Which are called 'The Cranium". While the Other 12 seats were given to the twelve most powerful hunters of every generation. Then the group was named after the 12 Zodiac.

To create a strong future generation, Octagram issues an order to create 5 academies that will be responsible for the training of the future generation awakeners.

The Celestial Academy in China, Hero Academy in Japan, SIA (Soviet Imperial Academy) in Russia, Axford Academy in the United Kingdom, and The Bar Ankh in Egypt. Every year a competition is held between these 5 academies to determine the ranking. Which was then named the "Pentagon".

The winner of the Pentagon is ranked number one among the academies. While the runners-up become the second. The third-place holder becomes the third and so on.

And there are also hundreds of guilds. Every 5 years, 10 guilds are chosen by the vote of the general public as the best 10 guilds. And they represent the Guild Association. And oversees all other guilds.

And blah blah blah blah blah blah...

..... (Chit-chat)

OK, that's it hope you get a general idea of the world called Earth 2.0.

Next, thanks for the support. Please comment If there are any questions or suggestions you have.

I will try my best to reply.

Oh, and thanks Reader_Manarch, Khan00, and Magic_puma27 for your support.

Please give this novel more support by giving it power stone. It will help me to recharge myself to write more.

Please look at the paragraph comment to see the images of the countries.

Ok, bye 😁😁