The Aquarium

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[Name: Asher Gray {Homo Sapien}


Rank: .... .....

Strength: F-

Endurance: F-

Agility: F-

Stamina: F-

Mana: F-

Aura: F-

Intellect: A

Charm: B-

... .....

∆ Space Elements (supreme)

• Dark Elements (Supreme)

° Wind Elements (Higher)

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•Inventory {Level—1}

A skill that allows the user to create a separate dimensional space. Where he/she can store their items.

Requirement: Space Affinity

Size: 25-meter square

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Asher looks at the blue screen in front of his eyes with a dissatisfied look.

"Too low" he mumbled to himself. His stats were really low.

"Sigh, I have to start from scratch," he thought to himself when suddenly the lavish car he was sitting in stopped in front of a skyscraper.

"We have arrived ma'am," the driver said to Samantha who was sitting beside Asher. She then looked at Asher and said with a smile,

"We have arrived ".

Asher nodded his head and got out of the car. He looked at the visually striking building. It has a tripartite configuration that makes the building height more feasible by splitting it into three volumes. The building also has a propeller configuration with shields the building from the low Western sun helping it to regulate solar gain.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Samantha asked standing beside Asher.

"Yeah, " Asher replied while still looking at the building.

"The lowest 44-story volume faces the nearby park and is used for guild Office. The 83-story middle volume is angled to the urban locality and is used for training and research. While the top 124-story volume looks at the city and mountain in the distance. We use it as pant houses for the top guild members. " Samantha added.

"I want a house here as a part of the contract," Asher told Samantha not looking at her.

"Very well, but first let's go and meet with the elders and top executives," Samantha said and started walking towards the building while Asher followed her from behind.


Inside the Aquarium Guilds conference room, Asher was sitting behind one head of the conference table.

He looked at the guild executives sitting on both sides of the table. While Samantha was sitting in the head's chair.

"So what are your conditions," one of the executives asked Asher.

"First of all, I want to have an annual salary of 500,000 ¥ per month. Secondly, the money the guild will get from the research that will be held with my Space element power, I want 15 per cent of it. And last but not least I want a residence in this building."

Hearing Asher's demands all the smoke started to come out of the executive's forehead out of anger.

"Are you out of your mind you little brat" one of the executives shouted at Asher losing his composer out of anger.

"Control yourself, Harry." an old-looking executive told the guy who shouted at Asher.

"B-but Sir Albert.. " he tried to say something but was instantly shut down by the heavy pressure of Albert an S+ rank superhuman.

After shutting the executive named Harry, Albert looked at Asher with a business smile on his face and said,

"Hello, Asher my name is Albert Thompson. I am the head of finance development of 'Aquarium'. The demands you have said are too much. Even A-rank superhumans don't get paid that much. "

"Do those A-rank superhumans of yours have Space Affinity," Asher replied.

"Even so, sigh, ok let's say we give you that much salary but why should we give you a 15 per cent share of the money we get from the research we will conduct with your power when we pay you 500,000¥ per month to use your power?"

After hearing Albert's question all the other executives agreed in unison.

"So, are you saying the only reason you are hiring me is because of my Space Affinity but not for my SSS rank talent? " Asher asked the question back to Albert. Soon a silent fall in the conference room.

"What's wrong with this boy," Albert thought to himself. He thought he could subdue Asher with his word after all how much does a 16-year-old know about negotiation?

But now Albert knows this boy in front of him is not an easy person to negotiate with.

"Sigh, we are not saying that but still, it's too much," Albert said with a sigh.

"Then what if I say, with me I can also bring the Melton families support for the guild". Asher said.

"What? " this time everyone in the conference room exclaimed in unison. Even Samantha who was listening up until now could not hide her shock.

"Why?" you may be asking. The Melton family is the richest and one of the strongest elite family, among all the elite families. They have never supported any guild in their long history. They have always stayed neutral.

But what if that family start to support the Aquarium? Not only they don't have to be worried about funds but they can also create connections with different leading figures.

"Who-who will you bring the support of the Melton family? "Albert asked.

"Well, Alfred Melton had made a deal with me to work together in Space Elements and also support me. So, by default having me you will also have the support of the Melton Family. So, in other words, I Asher Gray = Melton families support." After saying that Asher looked at the people present in the room.

"Now my worth in this guild will grow and with that grows my authority, " he thought and with a smirk, he said to everyone in the room,

"Now am I worth enough to accept my demands?

...... (Chit-Chat)

Look at the paragraph comments to see the Aquarium building image.

By the way, the real name of this building is Nexus