New Residence

"S-So you have an SSS rank talent and also joined the 3rd most powerful guild, " Miss Marry asked in shock.

"Is miss that is the case " Asher replied. Currently, he is in his orphanage. His deal with the Aquarium has been made. He has come to the orphanage to pack his belongings and say goodbye to Miss Marry. He doesn't have any friends in the orphanage which shows that he was one hell of an introvert and a shut-in.

"Miss, please take this," Asher said while giving Mary a check.

"What is— oh my!" Miss Marry was trying to say what it was but seeing the check and the number written on it made her exclaim without her knowing.

In her hand, there was a check and 500,000¥ was written on it.

"A—Asher what's is this" Marry asked.

"The first paycheck that I got in advance," Asher said with a calm face.

"I understand but why are you giving me this," Mary asked again.

"People say we should always hand over our first paycheck to our mother, it brings Good luck. For me, you are my mother who has given me her last name isn't that right, Miss Marry Gray?"

"Yeah, I guess you are right, " Marry replied with a smile. Unknown to her her eyes were leaking droplets of water. When the cold water touched her soft skin she understood she was crying.

Who was Asher Gray? He was a child whom Marry found in front of the orphanage gate. A beautiful child that makes anyone fall in love with him at first sight. Beautiful greyish-white hair and Phoenix eyes with two beautiful rising suns in them make anyone charmed. That child was thrown by his parents. How unfortunate those parents are who leave this child behind.

She takes care of him like her own child. Unknown to her she started to love this child more than the other children in the orphanage. But she gave him her last name. And raise him like her own child. And now that child was giving his first paycheck to her.

"No, I can't take it. Even if you gave me this. Here take it back." she said while returning the check to Asher.

"Please take it or I will throw it away," Asher said without taking the check from Marry.


"No buts, I know the orphanage is not doing well financially. Think about the children in the orphanage. Think of it as my donation for this orphanage. And take it".

"And please renovate this shitty old ass building. It started to give a hunted-house vibe ". Asher looked at Marry and said with a serious tone.

"Sigh, you are right. Then" Marry took out a receipt and handed it over to Asher. "Sign here".

Asher looked at her dumbfounded and asked, "What is this".

"Your receipt of the donation you make for this orphanage." Marry smiled and said to Asher.

"Sigh, where should I sign," Asher said with a sigh.

"Here", Marry showed it with her index finger. " By the way when are you leaving for your new house", Marry asked.

"Tomorrow, " Asher replied while signing in the receipt paper.

"I see," Marry said with a sad look on her face.

"But worry, I will come and visit often, " Asher said with a smile while giving the receipt back to Marry.

"Of course, you will. Now go back to your room. I have other things to do". Marry told to Asher open a drawer and bring out a renovation company visiting card.

"Ok, Asher said and got up from his seat was about to open the door to leave the room when he heard Marry's voice, "Asher, thank you".

"Don't be, this is my house too" Asher left the room without looking back.

... (The next day )

Asher had packed everything valuable and was waiting for the Aquarium guild's car to come and pick him up.

Soon he got a call from his new phone that he had bought. He picked up the call and heard a feminine voice, "Hello sir, my name is Dona Martinez. I have been appointed as your assistant from now on. I am waiting outside of the orphanage."

"Ok, wait there, I am coming," Asher replied.

After saying goodbye to Miss Marry, Asher came outside the orphanage and saw a Black Range Rover waiting for him. While a woman in her 30s was waiting for him beside the car.

When he came near to the woman she introduced herself again.

"Hello sir, we have talked before. I am Dona Martinez,"

"Hello, I am Asher. Shall we go" Ashes replied.

"Of course, let's go"

Soon they arrive in front of the Aquarium guild tower. Dona took Asher in front of an elevator. The lift has a golden colour, unlike other elevators which have a silver colour on them.

After entering the left Dona starts talking to Asher and showing him the elevator buttons, "This elevator only works for the top volume of the tower. It only stops on that floor. You have been given the 115 floor of the 3rd volume." she said while clicking the button which has 115 written on it.

In a second they reached their floor. When the door of the elevator opened Asher saw a sliding door in front of him.

"Sir, it needs your blood DNA 🧬 samples to open the door". Dona said while showing Asher a small hole the size of an index finger.

"It also verifies the age of the blood cells. If the cell is older than 2 seconds the door will decline the entry. We have already registered your DNA 🧬 signature so you can open the door" Dona added.

Asher while hearing Dona's explanation came near the door and put his finger inside the small hole. Soon he felt a slight pain as a small needle poked into his finger and took a single drop of blood.

As soon as it took the blood a transplant voice welcomed Asher.


After the voice was heard by Ashes, he saw the huge door open and a two-story penthouse revealed itself. The house has greyish-white colour walls just like his hair. There was a big 1 fit square shape hole in the middle of the first floor where a set of black colour sofas was beautifully placed. In the middle of the sofas was a fireplace.

"You can register DNA sequels of the people you want to have the direct entry authority. And the voice you heard before was the AI system that is designated to help the master of this floor." Dona said while entering the house.



After Dona's introduction of Elle, the AI named Elle introduced herself to Asher.

"Thank you, Elle. I leave Sir Asher to you." Dona said and looked at Asher.

"Sir, if you have any questions about the house, please feel free to ask Elle. And if you need anything or have any questions about other things please call me." Dona said and left Asher alone in his new residence.

After Dona was gone, Asher asked Elle,

"Where is my room?"


Soon Asher enters his bedroom and lies down on his soft bed. Asher thought,

"Now that we are done with the money and residence issue, let's take care of this shitty body of mine and make it into the body of the great Spear God"