The Black Hand

Asher opens his eye to find himself inside a cell. He looked around and found other cells filled with prisoners. But for some reason, all of their faces were dislocated as someone has a burn them.

" aka sha mo, bilo?"

Then he heard someone talking but he couldn't understand what he was saying. As it was a foreign language he never heard of.

"What is this place," he asked himself. But before he could think anymore his cell door burst open and a couple of people enter the cell.

Just by looking at them, Asher could tell they were of no good. So without wasting time, he started to circulate Mana inside his body.

But to his horror, his body wasn't able to circulate any mana. As if he wasn't even an awakener in the first place.

"What is happening? " he asked him. But soon he felt the pain of the belt hitting his body. But unlike normal belts, this one has spikes in them. Which pieces his skin every time the belt touched his body.

"Aaah" mourning came out of his mouth. But before any more sound could come out of his mouth. It was filled with cloth. And then the beating starts again. When he was about to lose consciousness again he was taken to a different cell.

Asher looked at an old woman who was sitting in a chair beside a bed as if she was waiting for him. Just like others she also has a face that looked like it was burned-in fire.

Asher was then thrown on the bet by the same people who took him here. As Asher looked to his left where the woman was sitting. He saw the woman looking at him with a smile on her face.

"Aboshil bosa me no shi" Then she said something that Asher could understand. But soon he saw a tattoo machine in her hand.

"A_aboshi? " Asher asked. When he saw the woman nodding her head he understands that it means a tattoo.

Soon the woman starts tattoo in his hand. And seeing the woman tattooing in his hand with at most care he lose the consciousness that he held on forcefully.


Asher opens his eyes again to find himself inside the prison cell. It seems they took him from the other cell after his tattoo was done and took him back to his cell.

Asher looked at his left hand and saw his left hand was tattooed completely black from his shoulder to his fingers with white runic letters on top of the black tattooed surface of his hand.

"Shi no aboshi me tali tok" he heard the same voice that he heard the first time when he open his eyes in the cell coming from the other side of the wall.

But unfortunately, he couldn't understand anything. "Shit" a curse came out of his mouth. But as he was thinking about what he should do, he heard the notification sound of the system.

[To help the user in the quest, the system has decided to give the user a skill to communicate]

[Would you like to take this skill ]



Asher agree as soon as he heard the skill was related to communication.

[Would you like to see the details of the skill]



[Name: Language Excel

A skill that allows the user to understand and communicate in any language in the universe.]

While Asher was looking at the blue screen that only he can see. He hears the man's voice again behind the wall.

"Oye boy, where did you come from? "

But unlike other times this time, he could understand the man's language.

"I am a traveller, who travels around the world " when Asher replied to the man. He heard a burst of laughter coming from behind the wall.

"Ha ha ha, or do I look like a fucking dumb to you. You are a traveller with that kind of face."

"Why? What's wrong with my face" Asher asked.

"Nothing, nothing happened to your face. And that's the problem"

"What?" Asher asked in confusion.

"Did you see the face of the people around you? Does their face looks fine to you"


"Exactly. If someone stays outside in the air that's what happens to their face".

"Why, what's happened here? For the air to be so toxic".

"Hahaha, see I knew you are not from this world. You are not the only one who came from a different world to this godforsaken world".

"Are you also from a different world"? Asher asked back while for the first time looking at the man he was talking to up until now.

He saw a giant human with a body that will easily win the best bodybuilding competition in the universe. With a high of 7 foot 8 inches, and his body of a heavy bodybuilder he looked like a giant.

"No, but my wife was. She came from a world called Earth. Just like you? "

"How did you know that I came from Earth". Asher asked with a confused face. After all, he shouldn't be able to tell when both of them were talking in his native language.

"Because I am talking in English," he said looking at Asher as if Asher was mad.

" What? " Asher mumbled to himself and look back at the blue screen on his left side.

[To use the skill please select the yes button ]

Then he looked at the bottom of the screen and saw a transplanted button on the screen where 'yes' was written.

"Fuck" a curse came out of Asher's mouth.

"Hahaha, don't worry you are not the only one who saw that button later. "

"What? " Asher Asked again in confusion.

"Does he able to see my system screen?" Asher thought to himself. And soon he also got the answer to his question.

"Yes, I can see your screen"

"Who? " Asher asked in worry.

"Hahaha, let me introduce myself first. My name is Kabali. And just like you I also have the rune of Apprise."

"What do you mean by the rune of Apprise? "

"It means the ability to see other people's abilities by using the runic magic. Look at your left hand. That's the rune of Apprise."

Asher looked at his left hand which is now tattooed in black with runic letters on it.

"But it seems that Granny really likes you to give you the rune of deception." the man named Kabali said again.

"What's that? " Asher asks.

"It's a rune that allows you to deceive the people about your ability ".

Soon new notification came in front of Asher from the system.

[Due to the rune of Apprise and Deception you gain two new skills]

[Eyes of the Owler and Hyper have been added to your skills]

[Would you like to see the details]



[Name: Eyes of the Owler

A skill created by the rune of Apprise. It allows the user to see others' abilities and System Windows. It also lets its user observe his opponent and helps the user find his opponent's weaknesses.

Name: Hyper

A skill created by the rune of Deception. It allows the user to deceive his opponent by controlling his power rank. Due to the skill, the user can change his power rank and his Mana pressure. Making the user's opponent believe in his fake power rank]

As soon as Asher saw the notification blue light started to come out from the runic letters tattooed on his left hand. And knowledge about how to use this new runic power started to fill Asher's head.

"Aaak" Asher felt a small headache due to the pouring of knowledge in his head. But soon the pain disappeared alongside the blue light from his left hand.

"Sigh", A sigh came out from Asher's mouth after all the knowledge was given to him.

Soon Asher active his ability and a part of the runic letters on his hand light up in blue light. And soon a notification came in front of Asher's eyes.

[Due to the use of the Rune Of Deception user's rank has been charged into C from A]

[Hah, haha it worked ]

And that was the moment Asher understand how powerful rune magic is. And he needs to learn it at any cost.

...... (chit-chat)

So if you have the question why prisoner were given such powers. Please 🙏 wait for the next chapter.

And please support the novel with power stones.

Btw, is it only me who gets all his good ideas while he is in toilet. Please comment.

And yes, the idea for this chapter came to me while I was in toilet.

Ok bye😁😁