Karaman Prison

... (Asher's POV)

It has already been a week since I have been imprisoned in the prison called Karaman.

There are a lot of things that I learned from Kabali. Firstly this world is ruined where the Apocalypse has already occurred. As a result, the water in the world was completely dried out. Leaving only sandy deserts all over the world.

When life was about extinct a ray of hope shone upon the world. The 'God of Desert' came down and gave his first priest a well. A well that has an unlimited source of water.

But the priest had a different plan. Rather than helping other people and giving them water. The priest builds his nation. He rules and only supplies a handful of water to his people telling them that there is limited water in the well.

Throughout the decades he built his loyal army that can die for him without a second thought. The god also gave the first priest the knowledge to use runic magic. But maybe the god was able to guess his disciple so rather than teaching the priest he taught a woman the runic magic. She was given the title of Saint. And only the people from her bloodline can learn and use this runic power.

In other words, Asher's wish to learn about runic magic has gone down.

So anyway after gaining power, the priest locked the Saint into a prison created to punish the people who go against him. Not only that if someone finds out the limitation of the well or gets inside the nation without a permit he throws them inside the prison.

He named the prison "Karaman". This means "grave of the disloyalty."

But unfortunately, the Saint inside the prison star takes control of the prison. She married a prison and continued her bloodline. So the prison becomes the territory of Saint. Outside the prison the priest's family rules. But inside the ruler is the Saint.

The Saint gave different kinds of power to people inside the prison with her runic magic. As the prisoners were in handcuffs that made they were unable to use Mana. That way she could create her army.

To create a loyal army unlike others the priest who uses water uses runic magic. A type of slave magic. The person whom she uses the magic becomes her slave and if he tries to betray her or tries to run away she can trigger her power and kill him.

But what makes me surprised is that unlike others I don't have the 'Rune of Slavery' drawn on my neck.

"Why didn't she use slavery rune on you? " Kabali exclaims in surprise.

And the answer I gave him was simple,

"I don't know ".

And the second thing is that I am not the only person from Earth who came to this world. Kabali's wife who was also an awakener also came into this world. And was saved by Kabali.

And for saving her life he was sentenced to lifetime imprisonment. By the way, this person Kabali is an S+ rank awakener.

While I was thinking all of this a person entered my room. He was a new face. The people who hit me the week ago were nowhere to be found.

" Sir, the Saint has called you. Let go. "

Why is he being so respectful? I thought but still, I stood up and came close to him and said, "Sure".

Soon I was taken to a very big cell, unlike other cells. It has brick walls, unlike other cells. Without wasting any time I enter the room. And just like a week ago, the old woman with a face that looked like it had been burned from the fire was waiting for me behind a small desk.

Looking at me she smiled and said,

"Come in".

I enter the room and sit on an empty chair opposite her. We look at each other eyes and eyes.

"I was expecting you to come. Now look how old I have become. "

Hearing the old woman talking I became confused. And ask, "How long are you waiting for me".

"About 30 years or more" a reply came that made me completely shocked.

"Oh, look at my manner, I forgot to introduce myself," she said.

"My name is Ajrak. I am the 34th Princess of Karaman."

Hearing her introduction made me serious. If she is Ajrak then my mission is to get her out of this prison.

"Yes, you have to get me out of this prison," she said looking at me as if she could read my mind.

"How do you know what my mission is," I asked her back.

"The God of Desert told me so," said. Looking at my eyes that were saying I was interested she added, "About thirty years ago a prophecy came to me from him. He said he would send a person who would take me out of this prison and bring me to his domain his temple. The man has greyish-white hair, and Phoenix eyes with beautiful two-rising sun on them as pupils. "

"And if you feel angered by the bad welcoming then I hope this will satisfy you."

After saying that she clapped her hands and 7 human heads were brought in front of her. The head of those people who assaulted me on the first day of my arrival. Looking at them I said,

"Technically speaking they just did what you told them to do, then where is your head"

Silence fell in the room. No one was talking. I was angry. Not because she killed those guys. I mean I would have done that if she didn't. But how dear she do that after ordering them herself. Does she think I am dumb or something?

"Let's get it straight, I am not going to help you out of this place if you don't give me something that I can be pleased with, " I told her. I can tell the urgency is on her end. She was already old as hell. If more time is wasted she would be in hell before going to the temple. Not to mention with the calculation I did after hearing Kabali's story of his wife I am pretty sure a week in Earth is equal to 30 days in this world. So even in a few years gone by not much will change on Earth. And when she sees her end is coming closer she will come to me herself.

"The knowledge of space".

A sentence came from her mouth that changed the whole discussion in an instant came from her mouth.

"What do you mean," I asked her back.

"I can not give you the runic knowledge as it can only be learned by my bloodline. But I can give you the "knowledge of Space" a runic magic that will give you the ability to teleport anywhere you want as long as you know the coordinates. It will also teach you the basics of space magic. I will give you that in exchange for you getting me to the temple."

Hearing what she said there was no way I could refuse the offer. Liking my lips with my tongue I said, "Very well, then give it to me".

Hearing my confirmation she smiled and pushed an agreement paper toward me. And said,

"This is a runic magic called "the agreement of heart". If we make a contract using this magic and if any party breaks the contact their heart will burst and they will have instant death"

Hearing her word I took the paper and started reading it using my skill "Language Excel ". After reading it carefully I signed the contract.

"Now give me the "Knowledge of Space", I told her.

"Well, you already have it"

Hearing her my mouth became wide open.

"Where? " I asked her.

"Well, you see, rune magic can be carved on a human once. We can not add any more after that. So I have already tattooed it on you. It just needs my permission to activate. Like this" saying that she snapped her two fingers.

As soon as she did that the letters on my now completely black tattooed left hand started shining in blue light.


And I heard the notification sound of the system in my ear. And a transplant blue screen came into my view.

[Due to the activation of the 'Knowledge of Space'

you have got a new skill 'Teleportation']

[Due to the activation of the rune 'Knowledge of Space' basic knowledge of space magic will be given to you]

After the notification, a bunch of knowledge started to enter my head. But unlike before I didn't have a headache. Maybe I got accustomed to it.

"System show me the details of the skill" I ordered.

[Name: Teleportation

A skill that allows the user to teleport anywhere as long as he knows the coordinates of the place or he has been there himself. The distance of teleportation depends on the user's Mana capacity]

"Nice" a smile came on my face. With this, I can go anywhere as long as I know it's coordinated or has been there at least once. And with the basic knowledge I got I can use it to gain more knowledge on Space magic.

"I am really happy to use this magic on you," Ajrak said to me.

"Why"? I asked.

"I can't use this on anyone who does not have space affinity. And you are the only person with an affinity for space elements. That I have come across. And this rune magic was left behind by the Desert God himself. So using it is a very big honor for me".