Escape l

"Ok, we will start our plans to escape the prison in two days."

Asher said and stood up from his sit when Ajrak called him back, "Asher"

....(Motain's POV)

Hello there,

My name is Motain. I am the Jailer of the Karaman Prison. I am a very strict jailer and try my best to make sure the law has always been maintained inside the prison.

Every Friday, I am going to prison for inspection and water delivery.

But unlike other days today is special. Because I heard a beautiful handsome male prisoner had entered the prison. I should have told His Majesty about this. But before His Majesty touches the guy, I have to check him to ensure His Majesty's safety.

While thinking about checking that prisoner, saliva came out of my mouth.


"Sir, why are you laughing? " the driver asked me.

"Shut up and do your fucking job," I said.

"Damn fucking Gay bastard," that driver said. Even though he just insulted me, I will let it slide. Today is a very happy day for me.

And just like that we reached the prison while I was thinking about what I could do with that handsome prisoner.

After parking the truck inside the garage the maintenance crew to come in to get the water tanker. Without wasting any more time I enter the prison.

The prison had 30 floors. As it is inside a mountain the inside of the prison is hot as hell.

"Shit, I hate this fucking place ".

A curse came out of my mouth. But then my mood became good when I saw the boy in front of me when the elevator came to the first floor.

Greyish-white hair that reaches his neck. A hard muscular body with Smooth skin and a beautiful light brown skin colour that maximizes his beauty.

Before I knew saliva started to come out of my mouth. With a wide smile, I came in front of him. Soon the masculine smell of his sweat entered my nose and arose the hard rod between my thighs. Heavy breath started to come out of my mouth without me knowing.

" Hah! Hah! Hah! W_what is your name? "

I wiped my mouth where saliva was coming out from and asked him.

"Asher Gray"

The heavy voice entered my body and sent a chill all over it. Goosebumps arose in every part of the body.

"What a nice name. Why don't you come to my room? "

"Why? " the heavy deep voice came out from his mouth. But this rather than my loom the thing that rose was my anger.

"How dare you talk back. If I told you to come to the room that comes to the room."

I expected him to refuse but to my surprise, he answered,


Ha? Did nobody tell him about me or is he also into me? A smile came on my face. Without wasting any time I grabbed his hand and then pulled him enter my room.

"Hah! Hah! Open your fucking pants"

Without resisting he opened the button of his pants and soon a beautiful seen entered my eyes.

I gulped down a mouthful of saliva. And without me knowing my body jumped at him.


"So, what do you think," Ajrak asked Asher.

"About what?" Asher asked back to Ajrak.

"This," she said while pointing at a naked Motain who was fuking a pillow.

"Idiot" Asher replied while swinging a key in his index finger.

.... (Ashers POV)

Two days ago,

"OK, we will start our plans to escape the prison in two days," I said and stood up from my seat. As I was leaving the room Ajrak stopped me,


"Hmm? " I looked back at her.

"How are you going to charm him? " she asked.

"I will knock him out after going inside his room".I replied.

" No, you can't. He has a worm inside him that allows Almar to know what he is doing".

"So what are you suggesting to give me to him" I said with an expression that told her if she said a wrong word then that would be the last word of her life.

But without blinking she replied,

"Instead of knocking him use this" As soon as she said that blue light started to glow on the rune tattooed on my left hand.

"Ding" and soon a system notification sound entered my ear.

[Due to the effect of the "Rune of Compulsion " a new skill has been added to your status window"]

[Concilium has to be added to your skills]

[Would you like to see the details]



[ Name: Concilium

An ability that allows the user to control the minds of others, including their thoughts, perceptions, memories, emotions and personality. Depending on the user's skill and power, this can range from a trance-like state very similar to hypnosis, to the target being completely subject to the user's control. A skilled user may be able to control the minds of multiple people simultaneously. The target(s) can be placed in a semi-conscious state, where they may have no recollection of any actions that they perform while under the user's control; and whilst enthralled, the recipients may display capacities that they would otherwise not be capable of in their normal state.]

........ (Present)

"Well, thanks to you I got quite a fun ability to use on this idiot," I said while looking at the idiot fucking a pillow.

Ajrak replied with a smirk on her face,

" It's my pleasure"

"Well now that, that thing dealt with shall we move to the next plan," Ajrak said while pointing her finger at Motain.

"Let's get to the garage took the truck and leave this damn place". she added while looking at me as I opened the handcuffs on my hand.

"No, we will go to the prison room and release Kabali" I replied.

"What? Who told you to do that," shouted at me with anger all over her face.

"You will do what I told you to_" Before she could finish her sentence I summoned my spear from the inventory and swung my spear aiming her neck.

Before she knew my spear point was touching her neck a few drops of blood fell on my spear blade and a small cut appeared on her neck.

I came closer to her ear and said, "I am not you fuking dog that you will order me around. I was given the task to take you to the temple and I will take you there however I like. So shut that fucking mouth of yours and follow as I say"