Escape II

"So shut that fucking mouth of yours and follow as I say".

Ajrak looked down and saw the blade of the spear looked at Asher and said,

"Very well, do as you wish".

"Then follow me" Asher replied as he opened her handcuffs.

After opening the handcuffs they both start walking in the direction of Asher's prison cell. After arriving in front of his cell Asher walked beside the cell and opened the other cell.

He looked at the man looking at him and said,

"Do you want to meet your wife"

"Yes," a short and steady reply came from the man's mouth. Asher hearing the man reply throws the key towards him. And said,

"From today onwards you will work for me in exchange for your freedom. What do you say? "

Asher asked as he didn't want to impose his authority over him.

"I working for you Let me see my wife then I can be your slave for the rest of my life," Kabali said while reviling his S+ rank mana pressure.

"I don't know about your world but in my word, we don't make people slaves. We hire people with respect " Asher said while raising his hand for a handshake.

Kabali took Asher's hand and looked at Ajrak. Soon his smiling eyes turn into bloodthirst eyes. Without warning he grabs Ajrak's neck raises her whole body and starts strangling her.

As Ajrak was losing consciousness due to the strangling Asher shouted at Kabali,

"If you kill her we will never be able to get out of here".

Hearing Asher's words Kabali released Ajrak's neck. And said, "Be thankful for your luck that you are needed or else you would have been dead by now.

"Kaah hah! hah! Caught! Caught! Kaah," Ajrak looked at Kabali as if she would kill him.

"What are you looking at bitch" Kabali was about to snap out again when a siren buzzed off all over the prison.

"W_whats happening," Kabali asked in surprise when Asher mumbled in a low tone but was heard by both Ajrak and Kabali,



(Inside the Jailers office)

"That motherfucker what did he do to me," Motai shouted with a face as red as a tomato in rage.

"I will kill him. I will kill him"

He runs towards the emergency buzzer and presses the buzzer. Soon sirens started to buzz all around the prison.

There is an unwritten rule in the Kamaran prison No guard aspect The jailer is allowed inside the lowest floor of the prison to respect the Saint. And that was the loophole that Ajrak used to succeed in her plan.

The only time that the prison guard can enter the lowest floor is if the Saint's life is in danger or the emergency buzzer blows up.

Motain ran towards his looker and took a giant sword from inside it. He turned around and opened the door with a kick and ran towards the Saint's prison cell.


"What should we do now? I told you we have to run away. But you didn't listen Now what will you do" Ajrak shouted at the top of her launch to Asher.

"Shut the fuck up, you old bitch" Kabali retorted to Ajrak and show her his giant ass fist as a warning if she shouted again this giant ass fist will be on her face.

While both Kanali and Ajrak were having an eye contest, Asher looked around to find any way out of this mass.

"Shit", a curse came out of his mouth. The reason Motain was able to get out of his mind control was because of his Mana wearing out. If only he had more Mana capacity this won't have happened.

As Asher was looking around he saw a ventilation pipe on the left side of the wall. Without blinking he ordered, "Get inside the ventilation quickly".

A couple of minutes later Motai along with 50 soldiers enter the floor. But to his demise along with Asher's both Ajrak and Kabali were missing.

"W_where are they" he mumbled. "Hah! Hah! "Heavy breath started to come out of his mouth sweat started to pour out of his forehead.

Because he knew this wasn't a normal issue. If he couldn't find Saint Almar was going to cut his head off his neck.

"Where are they," he said while around at the other prisoners.

"WHEEEERRRRRRE AREEEEEE THEYYYYYY" he shouted towards the prisoners.

"Hah! Hah!" but alas the only reply he got was silence. A pine drop silence. Motain was losing his mind as he was struggling to stand properly. Even his head was having a bad headache due to Asher's skills side-effects.

"S_Sir, the door of the ventilation is open." a soldier said to Motain while pointing towards the ventilation.

"Hahn? " Motain looked at where the soldier was pointing and saw the ventilation which was heading towards his office on the 29th floor.

"M_My office, they have gone to my office" Motain shouted as he ran towards his office.


Inside the jailer's office, the ventilation door at the top of the Motain's desk opened and fell on top of the desk. And from inside the ventilation, 3 figures came out one by one.

"Damn the was hell inside there," Kabali said as he walked toward the door of the garage alongside Asher and Ajrak.

"Break it" Asher ordered.

"With pleasure," Kabali said while creating a first with his fingers and throwing a punch at the steel door,

"Booooom" A loud sound echoes through the whole prison as the steel door bursts open.

Asher alongside Kabali and Ajrak looked at the gain truck which was attached to a big water tanker that contained a week of prisoners drinking water inside it which was on top of a platform that had a liver attached to it.

"Get into the car" Asher ordered Ajrak.

Without wasting time Ajrak got inside the car while Asher pulled the liver. Soon the platform together with the truck and the three people started to go up.

"Creeeeecreeeecrreeeee" The sound of the big Metallic chain that was pulling the platform up echoed in the three individuals' ears.

"They are coming," Kabali said as he took his hand-to-hand combat stand. A spear with a black blade attached to its staff appeared in Asher's hand as he mumbled,

"Hmmm, let them come"