Escape IV

Just like before now, I am floating in the dark space.

"Hello, anyone here"

I called out if someone was there. After all, I had a lot of questions that needed to be answered. But unfortunately, no one answered.

"Sigh, " as I was about to lose hope of meeting any Celestial a deep voice that I am familiar with entered my ears.

"Long time no see"

Hearing the celestial voice I turned towards his voice and said, " Yeah, long time no see".

"Care to explain what is happening here," I asked.

"What do you mean", The Voice asked back.

" I mean this. I was supposed to be inside a F-rank gate. Why the hell am I in this hell hole? " Asher shouted. Nobody likes pain even if it's the Spear God of Murim.

"This is not done artificially, it's just a natural phenomenon ".

"What do you mean," Asher asked back.

"There are infinite amounts of universe in this world. Every universe has its timeline and destiny. But sometimes due to the invasion of outside entity this universes some parts merge. And that happened through the gates. But sometimes multiple gates merge and that's what happened in your case. It is purely your luck that you have a superior Space element Affinity. As a result, the space which has more energy in it chooses you to enter in its territory."

"So you are saying, you guys have no hand on this"

"Yes, that is the case" the Voice replied.

"Very well, now tell me who was that guy" Asher asked.

"W_Which guy" the Voices replied but just by listening to his voice Asher could tell this dude was trying to hide something.

"That guy who had eyes like me and made me a fucking A-rank".

"You are not powerful enough to know the answer" Become powerful then I will tell you.

"Oh! Is that so? Then how powerful do I have to be? " Asher asked back.

"When you become powerful enough I will tell you. Ok, that's it. We will continue our conversation another time" After saying that the voice stopped talking.

"That motherfucker did that on purpose" Asher cursed.

And soon his vision started to go dizzy. As his surroundings changed another voice entered Asher's ear.

"Sunshine sleepy head " 'Bang' 'Bang'

Asher heard the sound of something banging. Asher looked at Kabali who just greeted him and asked, "What's happening "

"What do you mean what's happening, we are being Chased. "

After hearing Kabali's answer Asher looked at the back mirror of the truck and saw at least hundreds of cars were chasing them.

"Shit", a curse came out of Asher's mouth.

Then Asher looked in front and saw the desert all around him.

"This place is a hell hole "

"Hah! Tell me about it " Kabali responded to Asher with a chuckle.

'Bang' another bang was heard from the back of the truck.

"Do me a favour and throw something at those parasites," Kabali said while pointing at the boxes filled with spears.

A smirk appears on Asher's mouth as he replies,

"With pleasure "

Asher took a safety mask with him and wore it on his face. After taking a deep breath he pulled a spear from the boxes opened the window pulled half of his body out of the window and performed the 15th movement of "36 Movement Of Azure Spear Art" As he circulated Mana on the spear blade and mumbled, 'Azure Thunderstrike'.

As he threw his spear he aimed at the cars that were chasing them. The spear attacked the nearest car as if lightning had struck,


The car was destroyed but that was yet to be over as another car took its place.

"Asher took all the spears and flouted them in the air with telekinesis. And then used the 25th movement, "Divine Crane Ascension"

Soon all the spears were thrown at the sky then they started to fall aiming at the cars.

Boom, Boom, Booom, Boom, Boom one after another car got destroyed when the spears fell on them.

And just like that, only 5 cars remained who were still Chasing Asher and the others.

"Stop the truck we will fight them head to head" Asher ordered Kabali.

"W-What do you mean fight head to head? Even if Motain is a dumbass he is a S ranked. " Ajrak tried to argue when Asher pointed at Kabali and said,

"This guy over here is a S+ ranked".

After hearing Asher Ajrak stopped arguing and said, "Do as you want".

Hearing Ajrak, Asher looked at Kabali and called his name, "Kabali"

"On it" kabali replied while turning the truck and stopping it face-to-face with Motain's car.

Soon from the truck, both Asher and Kabali came out wearing safety masks. From the other end, Motain along with 4 others came out.

Mountain looked at Asher and shouted,

"You bastard I will fuck you up".

Asher looked at Motain and said with a smirk,

"Why fucking the pillow wasn't enough? "

"You bastard, killllll him" Motain shouted in anger as his rage hit the top after Asher's taunting.

After hearing Motain's order the other 4 run towards Asher. As he was about to run towards Asher he was blocked by Kabali as he said,

"Your opponent is me"