Escape V

Your opponent is me," Kabali said.

"khek!" Seeing Kabali a mour came out of Motain's mouth.

"Huff" After exhaling a heavy breath Motain looked at Kabali and said,

"Kabali lord Alman will not tolerate your betrayal. So come to our side we will_" but before he could even say something Kabali came near him in a blink of an eye and threw a punch at Motain.


But the punch was stopped by Motain with his sword. But even after stopping the punch due to the recall Motain was thrown backwards and a mouth full of blood came out of his mouth.

"YOUUU bastaaaarddddd" Motain shouted and ran towards Kalabi with his sword aiming his head. But before the sword could reach Kabali twisted his body and kicked Motain in his ribs with his left foot throwing Motai on the left.

Motain could feel his ribs were broken. But he has no time to think about his ribs, if he couldn't stop the Saint from escaping his life would end for sure.

Motain looked at Kabali and said, "Why just why did you betray the lord? He has given you everything but you, spineless motherfucker you betray him for a fucking woman." Motain was trying to waste as much time as they could so that the reinforcement could come.

But alas his intentions were caught by Kabali as without wasting any time Kabali dashed towards Motain. Seeing Kabali dash towards him, surprised Motain tried to swing his sword but before he could do that Kabali's first pierce through his stomach.

Motain looked at his stomach which now had a hole in it then he heard Kabali talking,

"I didn't betray Alman, he betrayed me"

And soon Motain succumbed to darkness.


On the other hand, Asher was fighting with the 4 individuals. Unlike other soldiers, these 4 people were really powerful.

After analysing their status with "Eyes of Owler" he was certain that out of the 4 people, one of them was A-ranked while the other 3 were at least B-ranked.

"This is going to be tough" Asher mumbled while looking at four individuals with swords.

"Come" Asher ordered as the 4 of them ran towards him aiming at different parts of his body. But this time Asher has something in his arsenal.

That was also the reason why he thought of fighting them head-on. As soon as the 4 individuals swung their swords, Asher teleported from there and reappeared behind one of them.

Then he used the 1st movement, 'Ray piecing Azure Spear' of "36 Movements Of Azure Spear Art" and pierced his back and completely obliterated his heart.

The leader of the 4 elite soldiers who were the A-ranked awakener looked at his colleague who had just died due to the spear that pierced his heart. He quickly understood the situation and ordered, "Distance yourself he has an unknown ability that allows him to teleport."

What the leader said was correct but his distancing themselves from one another was also wrong. The ability to use Space was just that broken.

When the remaining 3 individuals distanced themselves, Asher took the chance and teleported again and this time he swung his spear the cut the whole head from the neck of another soldier.

Now understanding his fault the leader commanded his remaining soldier, "Come and protect my back."

Hearing his command the remaining soldier stands on the opposite side of his back and protects his leader's back while his leader protects his.

"Claver but useless," Asher said while thrusting his spear.

Looking at Asher who just thrust his spear into empty air the leader got confused. But soon his confusion was resolved as a dimension crack was formed where Asher thrust his spear and out of nowhere another crack was formed in front of his colleague's forehead.

Soon the spear blade that vanished into the crack near Asher came out of the other crack in front of the soldier and pierced the soldier's head. Making him fall into internal slumber.

Now the only one left was Asher and the leader himself. Every part of the leader's body was giving goosebumps seeing Asher.

As he mumbled, "M_Monster" and ran towards Asher. Soon his sword clashed with Asher's spear creating speckles of flame.

He swung his sword downwards but was blocked by Asher's spear staff. The Asher twisted the back of his spear raping the wrist and throwing his sword out of his grip.

As soon as he became weaponless Asher thrust the back of his spear sanding his backwards and when space was created between them Asher took the opportunity and spun his spear and made the spear blade come forward. Then he coted Mana on the blade and thrust his spear aiming the leader's chest with the first movement, the 'Ray piecing Azure Spear' of the"36 Movements Of Azure Spear Art".

The spear pierced through his chest cutting his ribs and completely obliterating his heart. Soon the leader's eyes lose their focus and succumb to darkness.

After killing the four people Asher put his spear in his inventory and looked at Kabali who his his fist inside Motain's stomach.

He came near Kabali and told him, "Let's go".

As both of them entered the truck, Asher opened his safety mask and said, "So we escaped? "

Silence fell in the truck which was broken by Ajrak, "No, we just entered the Lion's dent"


Into the vast desert where nothing could be seen other than sand and the skulls of dead animals a round shape wall covered a whole city.

The only city that was still standing after the Great Apocalypse was "The City Of Kamaran". Inside the city in the middle was a podium where giant pillars were standing with red flags hanging on their wall. In the middle of the pillars was a red throne.

Hundreds of people were looking up at the throne and waiting for their king to arrive.

"DUM DUM DAM DUM" drama started to ring as people looked up at the podium and saw the man they were all waiting for.

A man with dark brown colour skin just like Kabali, with less muscle than Kabali but enough to insert fear in one. He looks at the people looking up at him as he shouts at the public,

"My fellow people of Karaman. I am your king Alman."

As soon as he announced his name cheering of people reached the sky,


"Silence" a shout came out from the person next to Slman. The new Supreme Commander of the Karaman Army "Neshike".

As soon as Neshike called for silence the whole sea of people which was cracking the whole sky with cheering previously now had pin-drop silence.

Looking at the silent public Alman said amplifying his voice with mana,

"Some intruders have kidnapped our Saint"

As soon as the news of the Saint's kidnapping reached the people's ears horror was felt in the hearts of the people of Karaman.

Alman looked at the horror in people's eyes and said with a smile,

"Let us go and hunt those varmints who dear to kidnap our Saint and rescue her"

As soon as he said those words the eyes that had horror in them turned into bloodthirst.

"Prepare the battle trucks, battle cars and motorcycles. Let's show them what karamans are"