Race for Life II

In the endless desert, thousands of battle vehicles are chasing a truck.

As the battle cars storm across the wasteland creating Cyclones of sand all over the desert.

Alman looked at the truck running at its highest speed. Even on the raging road, not falling or getting destroyed by the needless attack from the war army.

"Is it luck or is it skills that the driver of the truck has that made all my attacks useless? " Alman asked himself while knowing its answer.

"Kabali" Alman mumbled.

How was Kabali you ask? He was the most skilled driver of any vehicle. His unmatched skills along with his enhanced ability as a hunter (In this world they call the awakener hunters) made him the most powerful command of Alman's army. Until he betrays Almar's trust and helps that woman escape.

"Play the war cry" Alman ordered.

"Dum Dum Dum Dum" Drams started to cry as the strings of electric guitars screamed in the storm of sand releasing a dreadful cry of war.

"T_They are already declaring war," Ajrak said as sweat came from her forehead.

"What should we do? " Asher asked Kabali the most experienced among them in this kind of war.

"We have to drive. There is no way to fight them."

"But we have to slow them. At this rate, they will catch up to us." Asher said with urgency.

"Then do something" Kabali shouted at Asher as he turned the truck to the right avoiding a stick boom thrown at them.

"Shit" Asher cursed as he stand up from his seat and came to the back of the truck cabin and wore a safety mask.

He opened the back door came out of the truck cabin and climbed up the water tanker. Due to the high speed, it was her to keep his balance as Asher struggled.

He came to the end of the truck and activated the "Rune of Compulsion".

One of the battle truck drivers on the other end of Asher saw Asher's truck turning left he turned his truck to the left.

Suddenly his body gave goosebumps waking him up from his sleep. But to his horror, he saw his truck crash with another battle truck on its left. Sending both cars off-balanced and soon the two trucks overturned while crushing the small battle cars underneath them.

The two trucks blocked the path of other cars on their path.

Asher looked at the scene and then summoned a spear in his hand and threw it aiming the two trucks.

As soon as the spear hit the trucks an ear-piercing explosion took place destroying other battle cars around it.

As fire rises at the top of the sky, a battle emerges from it as the eyes of Alman meet Ashers.

Asher saw the leps of Alman moving as he interpreted it,

"I will kill you"


Asher came down from the tanker and entered the truck cabin and sat on his seat.

"Good job," Kabala said turning the truck to the left.

"Where are well going?" Asher asked Kapali as they were supposed to turn right according to Ajrak.

"The Karamanlis army has already blocked that path. we have to take a different road"

"Akram heard Kapali but as she was looking at the road suddenly something came to her mind as she shouted at Kabali,

" Why are you driving towards the "Death Valley"?

" That is the only way we can get rid of the pursuers," Kabali replied.

"We will die there" Akram retorted.

"What is Death Valley," Asher asked confused at Ajrak's reaction.

"That's the place where Alman dumps the people whom he determines as useless," Anrak answered.

"Then aren't they supposed to help us as we are also Alman's enemy" Asher asked Ajrak.

"They don't care, for them, anyone entering their territory is their food"

"What? " Asher asked in confusion.

Ajrak looked at Asher and replied,

"They are cannibals".

"Shi.. "Before he could complete his curse a battle car smashed the right side of their truck.

"Shit, " they caught up again." Kabali cursed as he turned the control wheel to the right trying to get balance after the impact.

On the other hand, Alman's driver and the second in command Neshike saw where Asher's truck was going and he said to Alman with concern,

"They are heading towards the Death Valley."

"Hmm, let them go, we will take turns and ambush them from the other side".

"As you wish," Neshike said as he turned the battle truck he was driving.

Asher looked at the back mirror and saw the army turning backwards.

"Why are they turning back and not chasing us" Asher asked Kabali.

"They must have thought they would get to the other side of Death Valley using the different road. And ambush us".

"They why should we do?"

"They might think they have cornered us but there is another road inside Death Valley that will lead to a tunnel. We can use that tunnel and get past them without them knowing."

"I see"

Soon they arrive in front of a Canyon surrounded by two giant mountains.

"Is this the Death Valley?" Asher asked.

"Yes," an answer came from Kabali's mouth.

Just by looking at the canyon, Asher understood why the mighty army of Alman's hesitated to enter the Valley.

Due to the mountain ranges it was impossible to locate the enemy and it was also impossible to fight back if the enemy ambushed them from the two said of the mountain.

"Let's get inside" Asher ordered.

Hearing Asher's order Kabali presses the escalator and soon the truck enters the valley.

As the truck ran at its highest speed to cross the canyon, Asher started to feel the presence of multiple people all around the canyon.

"Brrroom, Brrrom" The sound of motorcycles started to echo through the whole canyon.

"They are coming" As soon as Kabali said those words, multiple people riding their motorcycles started to come down from the mountain while hundreds of arrows burning with flames were shot at them.

After looking at the upcoming arrows run to the back of the cabin. Opened the back door and climbed to the top of the water tanker.

After standing at the back of the water tanker he started to circulate mana and soon his black tattooed left hand started to glow in bright blue light.

Ashes raises his hands pointing them towards the sky and moves his two hands in a circle. Soon a big transplanted portal appeared over their truck.

All the arrows that were falling on the truck entered the portal.

Then Asher moved his hand towards the mountain where the arrows were shot from and following his hands the portal moved towards the mountain.

As the portal covered the mountain, Asher dropped his hand and soon arrow started to fall from the portal aiming at the mountain.

"Aaahk, Aaaakh, Aaaa" cries of people started to come out of the mountain as arrows hit them.

Asher hearing the cries looked at the sides of the mountain and saw bikes coming down holding weapons on them.

Soon they get down the mountain and drive on the road. Soon some of the bikers came near the truck and started to hit the truck wheel.

"That motherfucker" Anger rose on top of Asher as he summons a spear in his hand and throws the spear. That pieced the biker's head.

Asher summoned another spear and threw it aiming at another biker. But this time the biker avoided the spear which angered Asher more. He thrust another spear and jumped at the biker by thrusting his spear.

Smashing the head of the biker Asher took hold of the control. He then turned the bike and headed towards the other bikers aiming his spear at them.

Soon like cavalry fights his spear started to piece the biker's head one after another. And because of the bike's low weight, it was easy to take turns, unlike the house. And just like that Asher got his fetish for motorbikes.

After killing as much as he can Asher teleports back inside the truck.

"Good job" Kabali praised Asher. The only reason Kabali entered Death Valley was because he knew, unlike Alman's army he had Asher. A Space Affinity hunter.

He has seen how Asher fought against the four soldiers of Motain. And he knew with Asher's ability they could get out of Death Valley without any harm.

He then looked at the back mirror, there were still many bike riders chasing them. Kabali took a left turn and entered a tunnel.

Asher then teleported himself back on top of the water tanker. Then he summoned another spear and performed the 1st movement of "36 Movements Of Azure Spear art"

"Ray piecing Azure Spear"

He quoted mana in his spear blade and threw it at the roof of the tunnel. As soon as the spear blade hit the roof, it started to crumble.

Asher teleported back inside the cabin and said to Kabali, "Drive first the roof will fall"

"Fuck" a curse came out of Kabali's mouth as he press the accelerator. Soon the roof started to fall behind the truck.

The truck ran at its highest speed and got out of the tunnel an inch away from the roof that fell as soon as they got out.

On the other hand, Alman and his army were waiting for Asher's party other side of Death Valley.

As they were waiting suddenly the soil underneath them started to vibrant as a small earthquake appeared.

Feeling the earthquake underneath them both Alman and Neshike get out of the car.

"What just happened" Alman asked in confusion.

But soon he heard Neshike's voice,

"Leader look," Neshike said to Alman pointing his finger at the horizon where a small dot could be seen.

When Alman looked at the dot pointed out by Neshike carefully anger rose to his head as he understood that the dot was the truck that Asher's party was in.

He shouted at the top of his lungs in anger,