Temple Run

After using the tunnel Asher's party was able to get to a great distance from Alman's army. As a result, the rest of the road was peaceful other than some minor issues like killing some monsters.

As the truck was running in the middle of the desert, Ajrak suddenly shouted, "STOP"

"What happened," Kabali asked while pressing the break and stopping the truck.

"We have arrived," Ajrak said.

"What do you mean we have arrived, here is nothing but sand," Asher asked in confusion.

"Of course, there is sand and nothing else. That's what could be seen in the naked eye. If not anyone could have found the temple. It is hidden underneath the sands". While taking Ajrak came down from the truck and stood in the middle of the desert.

She started to write runic letters in the sand. But what was surprising was that the sand didn't shift even when there was wind blowing. After Ajrak completed her writing the letters started to glow in bright yellow colour.

Soon a small earthquake occurred and a secret path appeared at the place where the runic letters were written.

Asher looked at Kabali and saw just like him Kabali was also quite shocked.

"After so long, we have found it", Kabali mumbled to himself. Just how many years has he wasted in search of this temple? He was the leader of the special search party that Alman had created to find the temple.

And now after all this Kabali was able to see the entrance of the temple. A drop of tears came out of his eyes. After whipping his tear Kabali said,

"Let's go"

Nodding her head Ajrak first entered the small entrance in the middle of the desert. After Ajrak Kabali entered and then Asher also entered inside the small hole that closed as soon as Asher entered.

As soon as Asher entered an Oasis came in his view. There was a small pyramid at the end of the Oasis.

"Let's not waste any time," Ajrak said as started walking towards the pyramid. But as she took a step forward Asher pulled her back.

"What?" Ajrak asked in annoyance.

"Look," Asher pointed his finger here Ajrak just stepped a few seconds ago.

As Ajrak looked at where Asher was pointing she a huge hole. She looked inside the hole she saw sharp spikes installed inside it.

"Gulp" she gulped a mouth full of saliva.


"There are traps everywhere in this oasis. We need to be careful" Asher said as he activated "The Owlers Eyes".

His left hand started to glow as his eyes started to detect different Mana in different places in the Oasis.

"Follow me," he said as he took a step. But like before nothing happened. And just like that, he took another step.

The other two followed Asher's step and soon they reached the entrance of the pyramid.

Asher saw a small hole in one side of the entrance door of the pyramid.

"We need a key," Asher said looking at Ajrak.

Ajrak came near the hole brought out a key from her necklace and inserted it into the hole. As soon as the key got inside the hole the door slid open upwards.

Ajrak looked at Asher asking if there was any trap with her eyes. And when she saw Asher nodding he turned back and looked inside the pyramid and she entered inside.

The first thing that came into her view was the space filled with gold. Soon after both Asher and Kabali entered.

For both Kabali and Ajrak, it was nothing special as gold didn't mean much to them in an Apocalyptic world. The most important thing was water. But that wasn't the case for Asher.

"Holy shit", a curse came out of his mouth. Asher was someone who loved money. As a person who lived a fruitful life, Asher knew how important money was and what could be done with it.

"You don't need them, do you?" Asher looked at Ajrak and asked.

"No, I don't need them. You can take as much as you want, "Ajrak said.

"Very well," Asher said as he opened a portal on top of the mountain of gold and soon all the gold was sucked inside the portal.

"Let's go," Asher said with a smile as he sucked dry the whole space that was a few minutes ago filled with gold.

Soon they entered through the door opposite the entrance. And a narrow path came in their view.

"There are traps," Asher said warning the other two.

Soon he activated his skill and started to slowly walk through the path. Both Kabali and Ajrak followed Asher.

As they were in the middle of the path Asher looked at the other two behind him and said,

"There is a string here so be careful"

He passed the string with a big step and so did Kabali. But when Ajrak was about to do the same an earthquake occurred making Ajrak lose her balance. And tried on the string.

As Asher saw Ajrak fall to the ground after tripping a curse came out of his mouth,


Soon the whole path started to shake and a giant ball of stone fell from the top and started coming towards them.

Asher Princess carries Ajrak's run towards the exit behind Kabali. But before he could reach the exit, the ground underneath him started to crumble and soon created an endless hole.

As Asher was falling into the hole he teleported mid-air and arrived at the other end.

"Huff" "Huff" "Huff" After exhaling heavy breaths Asher looked at Kabali and said,

"They have found the temple entrance".

"What do we do?" Kabali asked in a panic.

"In a way that's a good thing," Asher said after thinking sometime.

"How is Alman's Army finding the temple a good thing" Ajrak asked.

"Even if he hadn't found the temple, sooner or later we had to confront him head-on. So when he came inside the oasis with his army, due to the traps they suffered a lot of damage. And we can take the opportunity and attack them".

"Even if they suffer little damage, there is no way we can confront an army with only three of us," Kabali replied.

"Of course, we can't. But with an army of our own, we can right."

"Where is the army" Kabali asked.

"There," Asher said while pointing toward the darkness inside the room.

When Kabali looked at where Asher was pointing he only saw darkness.

"There is nothing," Kabali said in annoyance.

"What do you mean nothing," Asher said while taking the torch hanging at the entrance and lighting the darkness.

Soon army of robots came into their view.

Both Ajrak and Kabali's mouth was opened wide seeing the robot army.

"Ajrak look there are runic letters written on the robots" Asher's side pointed at the robots.

Hearing Asher Ajrak run towards the robots and start to read the runes on the robot.

"Ha hahaha," Ajrak after reading the letters started to laugh. Then she looked at Asher and said,

"I can operate them. No, only I can operate them" Tears started to come out of her eyes.

"With them, we can win," Ajrak said to Asher.

But Asher didn't listen to what Ajrak said as he was looking at the system notification that popped up in front of his eyes.

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[Will you accept "Ozias" the Armour of Salvation]