Armor Of Salvation

Alman looked at the small hole in the middle of the desert. It was quite shocking to find out that the thing he had been looking for so long was so near to him.

If it wasn't for Neshike's "Path Finder" skill that allows him to find someone or something with its scents it would have been impossible to find it.

"Alright everyone gets inside one by one," Alman told his army to enter first as he wasn't sure if there were any traps inside.

As everyone started to go inside Alman got inside at the last. And what came into his view after entering made him mesmerized.

"W_water" "There is water my lord"

A soldier ran towards Alman with tears in his eyes and said,

"Lord there is water here. We can drink as much water as we wish. Now we don't have to worry about water lord"

But the moment he completed his sentence he felt a chill on his neck. The next thing he saw was a headless body of his upside down as his head was already flying in the air.

Silent fell on the great Oasis. Not a single saul alter a single word.

"This water is the blessing of our Desert God. MY DESERT GOD. This water is MINE. If anyone dear to even look at it I will make sure he can never look at anything."

Alman looked at his soldiers as they were shaking in fear. Then he called Nashike, "NESHIKE"

"Yes my lord"

"Lead everyone to the Pyramid. I will follow from behind".

"As you wish," Neshike said while bowing his head.

Then he turned and looked at the soldiers and ordered, "March"

But as soon as soldiers took a step, "BOOOOM" an explosion occurred taking multiple soldier's lives.

Alman looked at his soldiers who stopped at the explosion after seeing their comrades dying. The soldiers then turned their heads and looked at him for his orders.

"What? MOVE"

But the word that came out of Alman's mouth made all the soldiers along with Neshike's heart trample.

"L_Lord" Neshike looked at Alman and called him to check what he heard was right. But the word came from his lord month next made his heart shrank.

"What? Did you not understand what I said?"



On the other hand, Asher was looking at the transplant blue screen in front of his eyes.

"Will you accept "Ozias" the Armor Of Salvation"

"I accept" Asher mumbled in his mind.

Suddenly bright light started to glow from the end of the room as a small object started to flout in the air.

Asher and his party looked at the object that started to come near them.

"N_No way. It was here all this time"

"What is it?" Kabali asked hearing Ajrak.

"That's the Armor Of Salvation one of the three Divine Creation of Desert God"

"What!" Kabali exclaimed in astonishment.

Soon the object came near the three people. But seeing the Armor of Salvation both Kabali and Asher we're shocked. Because the Armor of Salvation was nothing of what they accepted.

When they heard about the armor, what came into their imagination was a shiny silver armor that made anyone look like an angel coming from the haven.

But what they were looking at was a while rolled up bandage.

"Is this the Armor?" Asher asked Ajrak in confusion.

Kabali nodded his head and looked at Ajrak for her confirmation.

"Yes, it is," Ajrak said closing her eyes.

"But isn't it just a bandage," Kabali asked Ajrak.

He also heard the myths of the Three Divine Creations. In the tale, the armor portrayed was absolutely not a bandage.

"Please don't judge a book by its cover" Ajrak replied.

"But to think it came on its own towards us suggests that it has chosen one of us as its master" she added.


Suddenly a notification came in front of Asher's eyes.

[The Armor Of Salvation "Ozias" feels irritated due to people's remarks about it]

[It wishes for it's master to equip it]

"But" as Asher was about to mumble something another notification came in front of him.

[The Armor of Salvation "Ozias" argues it's master to equip it]

Suddenly Asher felt a chill all over his body as if someone was looking at him as if he didn't wear the armor that someone was going to be upset.

And without him knowing Asher mumbled,


As soon as he commands the bandage rushes toward him and warps his whole upper body up to his neck.

"What?" Asher exclaimed in astonishment as his whole body sucked all the Mana around him.


Soon a notification came into his view.

[You have successfully equipped the Armor Of Salvation "Ozias"]

[Would you like to see the details]



<<<<<<<<.... >>>>>>>

[Name: Ozias

Title: Armor Of Salvation

Rank: Divine

An armor created by the Celestial of Desert and Blacksmithing "Ogercias" for his king. It has its consciousness and can communicate with its master.


Absorption: The armor absorbs the Mana of the attack of opponents and uses it to replenish its wearer's Mana also heal their injuries rapidly and strengthen their body.

Shapeshifting: The armor can change its shape as it's the wearer's command. It absorbs the wearer's Mana to change its shape.

{The ability is locked due to the wearer's low level. Can be unlocked after the wearer reaches SS-rank}

Strengthening: It strengthens other weapons by warping them with itself.

{Only available for the other Divine Creation}

<<<<<<<<<... >>>>>>>>>>

Asher had his mouth wide open looking at the blue transplanted window in front of him.

"What the fuke is this Armor"

But the one who shouted in astonishment was Kabali as he was also looking at Asher whose whole upper body was wrapped by the Armor Of Salvation after it tore off his shirt.

He was using his apprising skill to see the ability of the armor. The ability of the armor was truly broken. It was just too powerful.

[The Armor Of Salvation is happy at people's remarks about it. And tells its master that he should be proud of it]

A notification came in front of Asher telling him about what the armor said.

Asher mumbled in his mind telling the Armor Of Salvation with a smirk on his face thinking how powerful he would become in the future,
