War Of Supremacy II

Asher active his "Eyes Of Owler" to see the trajectory of the enemy and find their weakness.

His eyes started to glow in a bright orange color along with his left hand. The bright blue light was pecking from behind the white bandage that was wrapping the whole hand along with his upper body.

"Let's begin the War Of Supremacy"

In his command, hundreds of robots charge at Alman's army.

Alman looked at the vast robot army charging at him. And for the first time in his life, he repeated his decision to use his soldiers as a meat shield.

"C_Charge" he shouted at his army to charge forward.

There was nothing he could do other than fight head-on. They can not back down and retreat as there are many traps still active outside. And any wrong movement could result in the death of more soldiers.

Soon robotic sharp hands clash with the swords and spears of Arman's army. Sparkles of flame rise from the clash.

But soon the war became onesided as the number of robotic armies was far greater than Alman's army. Not to mention the mental fatigue from seeing their comrades buying traps in oases was too much.

Making it impossible to stand against the army of robots completely impossible. As soldiers of Alman's army struggle to compete against Asher's robot army, Alman destroys the robot coming at him.

Asher looked at Alman who despite his age was fighting well. He then called Kabali,


"Yes," kabali answered.

"He is yours," Asher said while pointing at Alman.

"Leave him to me", Kabali replied with a smirk on his face. Soon he jumped onto the battlefield and ran toward Alman while killing anyone coming in front of him.

After ordering Kabali Asher looked at Neshike the only S-ranked hunter after Alman in Alman's Army.

"Well, I have to take care of him", Asher mumbled while looking at Ajrak who was busy controlling the robot army with runic magic.

On the other hand, Neshike was fighting with the robotic army at the front line. His sword was cutting the hard stone-like robots like butter. But inside he knew he was struggling.

He has been on the front line from day one of their persuasion of Asher's army. He has been using his "Path Finder" skill all this time which requires a tremendous amount of Mana and concentration. After entering the oasis due to the traps, it became even harder to control his mantel state.

As a result, as he was fighting with the last bit of his mental strength he failed to notice a finger teleporting behind him.

He was able to realize only when his heart was pierced by a black spear blade.

"Kaah, " Nashike looked back and saw Asher looking at him with his eyes that were glowing in orange light.

"Y_You" Before he finished his sentence Asher sliced his chest and sent him to internal sumber.

Asher looked at the dead body of Neshike and then looked at Kabali who was now in front of Alman.


Alman looked at Kabali and said,

"Kabali I will give you a chance to redeem your previous position as my Grand Commander"

Then he raised his hand toward Kabali and added,

"So, join me and_" Before Alman could finish his sentence Kabali launched a punch aimed at his head.

But the punch was stopped by the greatsword in Alman's hand.

"You bastard, I gave you a chance" Alman shouted at Kabali as he swung his spear at Kabali.

Kabali dough the spear by jumping backwards. Then he took his stand and rushed at Almar aiming his head.

On the other hand, seeing Kabali rushing at him Alman also took his stand and used the flat surface of the greatsword as a shield to defend against Kabali's attack.

Soon Kabali's fist and Alman's sword clashed together creating sparkles of flame.

The impact of the clash sends both of them backward. Kabali balancing his body rushes toward Alman while aiming his fist at Alman's head.

Predicting kabali's move Alman moves his head to the right side.

Kabali's fist missed Alman's head and passed through but just like Alman Kabali also predicted Alman's move he turned his hand in the air to the right which was stopped by Alman's spear.

Alman looked at Kabali and said,

"Remember when we used to practice together?"

Kabali took two-step back and launched a kick at Alman with his right leg which was once again stopped by the staff of Alman.

Alman holds the leg with his left hand swings kabali and throws him. Kabali's back hit the podium.

A mouth full of blood came out of his mouth. He tried to stand up but struggled.

Alman came near the injured Kabali and said,

"You never won against me in those practice matches."

"Caugh" "caught" kabali caugh blood as he glares at Alman.

His eyes were telling Alman he would kill him which Alman ignored and added,

"If you can't even win when we only practice, then how did you expect you will win against me in a real fight?"

"Kabali I have given you more than enough chance, but every time you have let me down"

Alman looked down at kabali with bloodshot eyes as he said,

"This time was the last chance"

As Alman said he raised his greatsword and was about to swing aiming at Kabali's head when A spear pierced his chest.

Alman looked back to see two orange eyes looking at him and he heard the last words of his life,

"Too bad for you unlike practice matches I am here"

......... (chit-chat)

Hey guy,

Sorry, I wasn't able to publish any chapters these few days. As I was leaving my country for study purposes.

I am still trying to be comfortable in the new environment of the new country.

So maybe I will not be able to publish new chapters every day for now.

But I will try my best to publish as quickly as possible.

And thank you for your support and love.

And I am truly thankful to you guys who sent me gifts. It gave me so much courage that I can't tell in words.

I will try my best to publish the chapters every day but it may get delayed sometimes.

Please support me.

Ok, bye😁😁