Home Coming

Asher was following Alman's every move using his "Eyes Of Owler" skill.

While Alman and Kabali was fighting Asher was searching for Alman's weakness.

After living in this apocalyptic world for more that half a year Asher found that the skills of the awakened people here were not so great.

Not to mention the less density of Mana in this world made it hard to rank up. So even in this world to be able to reach S-rank just shows how talented Kabali is.

Unlike Alman how is at least 60 years or Kabali is only at his 40s. That was the real reason Asher took Kabali with him.

Asher was seeing Alman and noticed that Alman's fighting style actually doesn't suite his weapon.

While he was using a spear with a greatsword. No matter how big the spear blade is in the end it's a spear blade. If you try to use a spear like a greatsword no matter how experience you are there will always be problems.

An like Kabali how was not that experienced, Asher had a vast experience of fighting in his previous life. Asher could see the problems in Alman's fighting style.

And his skill 'Eyes Of Owler" made is easy for him to detect the gaps where Alman becomes venerable.

And such a time arrived in front of Asher when Alman's back was completely defense less.

Asher without wasting the time calculate Mana and soon his left hand started to glow and then he disappeared and reappeared behind Alman and thrust his spear at Alman aiming his chest.

In with out any strangle the shape blade of the spear pierced Alman's flash and heart.

Realizing that his heart has been pierced Alman turn his head and looked at Asher.

"Too bad for you unlike practice matches I am here"

That was the last words Alman here before stepping into internal slumber

Asher looked at the injured Kabali who was looking at his and than at the dead body of Alman in shock.

"What? " Asher asked.

"N_Nothing" Kabali said while shattering.


Asher ignore Kabali and bent down near Alman. Then he summon a spear and cut Alman's head with the the spear blade.

Kabali was in complete shocked at the emotionless face of Asher while he was cutting the head.

That day Kabali promised himself that he would never go against his handsome looking boy in front of him.

Asher ignoring Kabali's determine eyes teleport on top of the podium and shouted while using Mana to amplify his voice.

"Soldiers of Karaman look you leader has died. I Asher Grey has killed you leader. Drop your weapon and surrender. And your will be forgive."

Hearing the death of their leader the army of Karaman lost the last mantel strength that they have mustered.

And very soon almost all of the soldiers dropped their weapon and surrendered and those who tried to resist we're cut down mercilessly by the hand of Asher's robot army.


It was already a week after the death of Alman. Ajrak took the surrender army with her and entered the Karaman city.

Some started to cry seeing the Saint in front of their eyes while some fainted.

The influential people who knew about Ajrak being inside the prison by force and not by her own will tried to stops her.

But the were stooped by the mighty army of Ajrak.

Yes, the army of Ajrak.

After the soldiers surrender Ajrak told them everything about Alman. How he lied about not having enough water resources as well as her being kidnapped.

Hearing her words some didn't wanted to believe her but soon they remembered the tragedy happened because of Alman's selfishness in the oasis. Anger rose inside them along with those bad memories.

Ajrak looked at Asher who's left hand was glowing with a simile she true here head towards soldiers and told them,

"Let us go to the Karaman and claimed what is rightfully ours"

Hearing Ajraks word the soldiers heart aches.

What was rightfully theirs?


A soldier mumbled.

"Water" then another.

"Water" another.

And then another.

Water water water water water water water.....

Soon every soldiers started cheering the thing that was rightfully theirs "WATER"

And this the army of Alman's turned into the army of Ajrak.

After taking care of some pests Ajrak took the throne.

And today is the day when she will tell the truth to the people of Karaman.

Ajrak came in front of the grand podium and looked down at the people of Karaman.

Everyone was looking at her and wanted to hear her voice. The voice of their beloved Saint.

"Huff" Ajrak exhale a heavy breath of nervousness and shouted at the crowd,

"The people of Karaman. Today I am here to tell you about the secrets and lies that the kings of every generation has been telling you".

All the crowd become anxious hearing Ajraks words. When the heard about Ajrak giving speech today they thought that she would talk about their god.

But now she was telling them about the lies that their king has told them. They looked at each other and then at the top of podium where Ajrak was standing.

"we were kept in darkness by our kings. We were told we lack resources for water. We don't have enough water to give everyone."

Hearing the word water everyones eyes twitches. They looked at each other and then at Ajrak again.

Anticipation took place on their heart. To hear the truth that they have been lied. And unknown to them their mind started to pray for a single truth.

They were not dumb. They knew something was wrong every time they heard issues like the Saints where about and the lack of water from their leader.

But they were suppressed. Every time anyone try to stand up their legs were cut off either by the king or the people below the king in power.

And soon just like monkey who don't climb the wall in fear of getting splashed by water they also stop thinking about standing up in fear of getting their legs cut off.

And just like the next generation of monkeys who forget how to climb they forget how to stand.

But today was different. Today somewhere in their heart a small flame was burning. Seeing the Saint that they have only heard about all this time was now in front of their eyes.

"We were lied by our leaders for generations about the shortage of water."

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" the last string that Alman has tighten, the string that every generation of Kings have tighten in the people of Karamans head was broken.

They have lied about the shortage of water. Lie about shortage of water. Then what's the truth? Anticipation took over their heart.

And their anticipation wasn't denied,

"We have water. Enough water to drink all day long. Enough water that our kids can swim on them. Enough for the next generation and the generations that is about to come."

Silence pin drop silence fall on the crowd how was shouting top of their lung.

Ajrak looked at the eyes of the crowd. What was in their eyes?

Anger for their leader, dissatisfaction for their leader, hatred for the leader?

No, Ajrak saw light on those eyes. Happiness of dream that they have seen countless time. The dream of drinking a glass full of water.

Ajrak looked at those eyes and only one word came from her mouth,

"We have WATER"

She shouted and soon water started coming out off the pole in the middle of the podium.

"Haaaaaaaa, hahaha" crowd ran near the water. The same water that they longed for was now touching their dried skin.

Tears fall from those dry eyes which was then washed away with the water that came from the pole and fall on their face.

Ajrak looked at those people and then a certain face came in her views. A face that shines even in the crowd of millions.

Greyish-white hair and phoenix eyes where two rising sun stays was also looking at her from the crowd.

And before she new her eyes twitched as she read the lips of that person who was telling something,

"I will be back"

And soon those orange eyes lost in crowd and leaving Ajrak dumbfounded.

Asher looked at the blue screen in front of his eyes.

[Congratulations to Asher Grey]

[You have successfully completed the second quest]

[Rewards are being calculated and will be given after the calculation is finished]

[Now you can leave this world]

[Would you like to create the portal to leave this planet]



Soon a portal appeared in front of Asher. Asher looked back where Kabali was standing and said

"Let's go home"


Under the darkness two giant eyes light up. The eyes were like the reptiles eyes. Those Yellow eyes frown and a heavy voice came from that creatures mouth.

"Found you"