Home Coming III

Asher was seated along with Kabali in the guild master room in the Aquarium.

Samantha looked at him and then she looked at the guy that he brought with him from the White Gate.

"So, You wise to join our guild."

"Yes, but I have a demand that needs to be fulfilled" Kabali answered Samantha's question.

"And what is that demand"

"Please find a woman for me" Kabali answered.

"Very well," Samantha said while pressing a button on her desk.

Soon an employee came into the room Seeing the employee, Samantha said to her,

"Monika take Mister Kabali hear and take him to the investigation room"

Then she looked at Kabali and added,

"Please go with her to the investigation room and give the people there a description of the person you Are looking for. That way will will be able to make an image of that person. It will help us find her".

" Thank you very much" Kabali thanked Samantha as he got up from his seat and followed the employee to the Investigation Department.

Seeing Kabali leave the room Samantha looked at Asher and asked,

"So, how was your adventure?"

" Not bad, got a lot of things from it" Asher answered.

"That's good to hear?"

"By the way, How did you meet that guy" Samantha asked while pointing at the door.

"In the prison"

"What!" Samantha exclaimed as she stood up from her seat.

"What happened? Tell me everything." Samantha demanded.

"Sigh", a sigh came out of Asher's mouth as he started telling about his journey in the apocalyptic world".


After hearing Asher's story Samantha's mouth without her knowing opened up.

" What are you?" She asked him.

"Asher Gray" a short answer came out of his mouth.

"Sigh, you know I am not asking that" Samantha mumbled while sighing.

She couldn't believe it even after hearing about Asher's journey. How could she? Even if Asher was an A-rank awakener even so to be able to survive in an apocalyptic world all by yourself is not something that any A-rank can do.

One needs years of experience to survive on a deserted island but to survive in a deserted world where water is more precious than gold.

"Sometimes I feel like YOU are older than me" Samantha mumbled.

But her mumbling was heard by Asher making him choke his spit.

"Cough" "Cough" "Cough"

"What happened, " Samantha asked seeing Asher caught.

"N_nothing" Asher replied gulping the spit.

"By the way what with that bandage? Are you hurt anywhere." Samantha asked.

"Fashion" Again a short answer came out of Asher's mouth silencing Samantha.

"By the way did the thing I asked you to do before entering the gate is done ?" Asher asked Samantha changing the subject.

Samantha understanding Asher also didn't ask about the bandages anymore and answered Asher's question,

"Yes, It was tough but I was able to manage the executives about you forming a new team completely under your authority without anyone else's interference."

"Oh! Thanks "

"Don't mention it, Anyway what will be the name of your team"? Samantha asked Asher.

" Leviathan" a short and quick answer came out of Asher's mouth.

"Hmm, Leviathan. Nice naming" Samantha complimented.

"Thanks, anyway I will go to my room now". Asher said as he stood up from his seat and left the room.

Samantha looked at the door from Where Asher left the room and mumbled,

" Leviathan hah, I was thinking of giving him the Aquarium and here he is thinking of ruling the whole sea."


Inside his room, Asher lay down on the bed and mumbled,

"Status Window"


[Name: Asher Gray {Homo Sapien}


Rank: .... .....

Strength: A

Endurance: A-

Agility: A

Stamina: A+

Mana: A

Aura: A

Intellect: A+

Charm: A-

... .....

∆ Space Elements (supreme)

• Dark Elements (Supreme)

° Wind Elements (Higher)

.... ...

•Heavenly Divine Body {MAX}

A physique that allows the body to master any martial arts techniques. Makes the user's brain more active. The body becomes more steady and strong. Enhance the regenerative ability. Make the body poison resistance, cold resistance, and heat resistance.

•Inventory {Level—5}

A skill that allows the user to create a separate dimensional space. Where he/she can store their items.

Requirement: Space Affinity

Size: 200-meter square

•Language Excel

A skill that allows the user to understand and communicate in any language in the universe.

•Eyes of the Owler

A skill created by the rune of Apprise. It allows the user to see others' abilities and System Windows. It also lets its user observe his opponent and helps the user find his opponent's weaknesses.


A skill created by the rune of Deception. It allows the user to deceive his opponent by controlling his power rank. Due to the skill, the user can change his power rank and his Mana pressure. Making the user's opponent believe in his fake power rank.


An ability that allows the user to control the minds of others, including their thoughts, perceptions, memories, emotions, and personality. Depending on the user's skill and power, this can range from a trance-like state very similar to hypnosis, to the target being completely subject to the user's control. A skilled user may be able to control the minds of multiple people simultaneously. The target(s) can be placed in a semi-conscious state, where they may have no recollection of any actions that they perform while under the user's control; and whilst enthralled, the recipients may display capacities that they would otherwise not be capable of in their normal state.


A skill that allows the user to teleport anywhere as long as he knows the coordinates of the place or he has been there himself. The distance of teleportation depends on the user's Mana capacity.

•Battle Instinct

Enhance the six senses and increase attack power on the battlefield. Make the user's movement faster and mind claim in drier situations.

..... .....




"Hmm, my agility and strength have reached A-rank" Asher mumbled seeing his status window.

He has been in the White Gate for more than half a year but on Earth, it wasn't even a month.

"If I can use this, I can regain my power faster"

While Asher was thinking about how to increase his training time some started to knock on his door.

"Open the door," he said to Elle.


Soon the door opened and Dona entered his bedroom.

"What happened? " Asher asked.

"It's about the person whom Mr. Kabali is looking for," Dona replied.

"And what about her? Did you find that person"? Asher asked.

" We don't need to find her?" Dona replied while shaking her head.

"Why?" Asher asked in confusion.

"Because the persons description Mr. Kabali gave us is famous enough for anyone in the awakener business to know about her."

"And who is that person" Asher asked.

"The Lord Of Black Market Karina Rodriguez"