
In the heart of the city of Eldoria, a city that is far away from the capital city of China. But even after being far away from the capital and in a remote place it was still busting with life. Hidden beneath the bustling streets and concealed within the shadowy alleyways, lay a secret known to only a select few - the Eldorian Black Market. This clandestine marketplace was a haven for those seeking forbidden treasures and mystical artifacts that defied the laws of both magic and reality.


The entrance to the Black Market was a riddle in itself. A forgotten, unremarkable bookshop on the surface, its dusty shelves and faded tomes concealed the passage to the underground world. A whispered incantation and a gentle tap on a specific book would reveal the hidden stairway leading into the depths of the city's underbelly.


Asher was guided by Dona in the Black Market as she was the only person after Samantha who knew about the location of the city in the Aquarium. Asher knew Dona wasn't just any member of the guild. She was one of the most trusted people of Samantha in the Aquarium guild. And today it was proven.


Once inside, Asher found himself immersed in a world of enchantment and intrigue. Stalls adorned with rare and exotic goods stretched as far as the eye could see. Potions that could turn stone to gold, trinkets that granted the power of invisibility, and jewels that glowed with an otherworldly radiance were among the many treasures on display.


Some of these products were even heard to be found in the capital city of any nation. Even if they were found they were sold at such a high price that an average person couldn't buy them. They need to be either a rich person who is listed among the richest people or a high member of a big guild.


Asher was astonished to see all these items in the display that he only saw in the Aquarium guild treasure vault.


"Isn't it magnificent?" Dona said to Asher while looking at the Black Market.


"It's overcrowded"


"Hahaha, you are the only person who has this kind of thought after seeing this scene for the first time," Dona said after hearing Asher's remarks.


"So, tell me about Karina Rodriguez" As soon as Asher said the name the whole crowd stooped. The busting road which was so noisy that one could not hear the other person's voice due to the noise was now completely silent.


"Don't see her name so casually" Dona said as she hid Asher's mouth underneath her plum.


She took Asher's wrist and pulled him inside an alley hiding from the many eyes that were looking at them.


"We don't say her name casually inside this place," Dona said to Asher.


"Why? Is she Voldemort or something?"


"Sigh, no she is not. But she is like the king of this place. And you don't refer to the king with their name."


"I used to call the Murim Alliance leader by name though," Asher thought as he asked Dona,


"Then what should I call her?"


"Queen, the Black Queen"


Hearing the name Asher whole body started to spine like the jilapi in cringe.


"Who is the motherfucker that gave her this cringe name?" Asher asked while still recovering from the cringe he felt from before.


"Just Shut Up," Dona said to Asher losing her temper at Asher's remark.


"Anyway, now it is going to be difficult for us to find her as everybody in the street has been alarmed by you,' she added.


"We don't need to."


"What do you mean?" Dona asked in confusion.


"Look around you," Asher said while circling his index finger.


Hearing Asher, Dona looked around her but couldn't find anyone. Then she heard Asher,


"Come out, I can sense you guys' heartbeat as it's lub-dubbing."


As soon as Asher altered those words several people came out from the shadows.


"How did you sense us, boy?" one of the guys in black clocks hiding his whole body said.


"Well, that heartbeat of nervousness of you guys was too loud for me not to notice."


At Asher's taunting remarks, one of the men in shadow ran at him in anger,


"You damn bastard, how dear you tal.." but before that guy could complete his words his face was banged by a fist braked some of his teeth, and threw him backward.


Asher still holding his fist in the air looked at the person who seemed to be the leader and said,


"What are you waiting for, COME"


A punch came from one of the shadows, a thunderous haymaker aimed at Asher's head. With lightning reflexes, Asher ducked and sidestepped, feeling the wind from the passing fist. He retaliated with a quick jab to the shadow midsection. His knuckles made contact with the shadows' rock-hard abs, sending him backward.


Blood came out of the shadow's mouth as he struggled to stand up. Asher without wasting time runs at the kneeling shadow holds his head with both of his hands and hits the shadow's face with his knees, sending him into a good night's sleep.


Seeing his subordinates being knocked out by Asher the leader of the elite group made by Karina herself Ivan couldn't control his anger as he ran at Asher taking his sword out of its scabbard from his waist,


"You bastard"


He swung his sword aiming at Asher but to his surprise, Asher leaned back, avoiding the tip of the sword by a hair's breadth. He saw an opening and seized it. With a swift uppercut, he connected with Ivan's chin, sending a shock wave through his body. The big man staggered back, momentarily off balance. 


But Ivan was no pushover. Enraged, he lunged forward with renewed ferocity. But Asher swiftly evades the flurry of sword thrusts that follow, weaving and ducking, his movements becoming a blur. He knew he couldn't outmuscle Ivan with his immature body, so he relied on his agility and speed.


Asher landed a series of well-placed strikes, targeting Ivan's ribs, arms, and face. Ivan grunted with each hit but refused to yield. His long sword swung like a sledgehammer, each blow carrying the potential to end Asher's life.


But Asher evades them easily, making Ivan frustrated and losing his focus. Asher didn't waste this opportunity as summoning every ounce of his strength, Asher unleashed a powerful hook, catching Ivan squarely on the jaw. Time seemed to slow as Ivan's eyes widened in shock. The burly man's body twisted unnaturally, and then he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.


Asher then looked at the other shadows who were now feeling nervous seeing their leader who was an A rank awakener losing the fight so one-sidedly.



Then Asher said looking at the remaining shadows as his orange iris glowed in bright orange color creating fear in the shadow heart,


"Are you satisfied with the show?".


Hearing his words one of the shadows took her clock revealing her face. Seeing her face the shadow near her shouted in shock,


" L_leader"


"Shut Up," the woman said as her iris glowed in purple color

Then she looked at Asher and said,

"You wanted to see me right? Let's have a small tea party, shall we?"

A smile grew on Asher's face as he replied,

"With pleasure."